The beginning

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It all started in September the 5th 2016 and it was my first day in college, it was 7:30 in the morning and I had to get up "I wish I can stay at home but I've got college oh well maybe on Friday" I said to myself when I yawned. When I got out of bed I went to my wardrobe to get changed, I put on my black ripped skinny jeans with my blood on the dance floor t-shirt and I also put my dark grey hoodie on. After I got changed, I picked up my phone and earphones and went downstairs to get my bag ready. However I only got a few minutes left until I had to leave the house, while I was going into the kitchen there was a knock on my door "alright I'm coming" I shouted in frustration. When I opened the door there was some random kid standing there, he looked like he was in year 7 "yo what happened to you" I was shocked on what I seen, it looks like he has been beaten up by someone or a small gang "I know I shouldn't be doing this but come in and I'll clean that up" I said as the young school boy rushed in before anything bad happened "I'm Brian I need help" he said shaking "it's ok I'm not going to hurt you" I said while I'm trying to calm Brian down "where do you live and is this your first day in the big school" I asked the scared school boy "yes and I live 4 blocks from here" he said "ok what I'm going to do is that I'm going to clean those wounds up and then I'm going to take you home and tell your parents about the incident ok" I said "ok"
After I cleaned up Brian's wounds I took him home and told his parents about what happened earlier "I gotta go it's my first day at College" I said while waving to Brian.

I finally got to the college and it was lunch break, I went to sit down on my own until I seen a young girl sitting by herself and she was crying "I'm going to sit next to her and find out what is wrong" I thought to myself, so I moved tables and I sat next to the girl crying "are you ok" I asked her "no" she said keeping her head down "what's wrong" I said trying to comfort her "see those boys there" she said "yeah" I nodded "they took the piss out of me" she said "why" I asked "because they were calling me Nasty names and giving me death threats" she said "ok come with me" I said as she followed from behind. When we went past the boys that bullied the poor girl I called them knob heads and they were shocked and I think they felt guilty afterwards "thank you" the girl said "anytime" I said, when I went to walk away the girl stopped me "can we be friends" she said "yeah sure what's your name" I asked "Stella" she said "that's cool" I said "what's your name" she asked "my name is holly but you can call me raven if you want" I said while we walked outside to sit at the benches "it suits you" Stella said while she took a cigarette out and sparked it up "how old are you" she said "I'm 16 what about you" I said getting my phone out "17" Stella said blowing smoke out from her cigarette "ah right" I said "is this your 1st year in college?" Stella asked "yeah" I said.

A few hours later it was time to go home and as I was just about to leave the building Stella shouted for me "sup" I said "this is going to sound really stupid but can I have your number and are you EMO" Stella asked being concerned "yeah if you want and yes I am and no that's not a stupid question" I said "ok it's just that I wanna have some friends and nobody wants to they just shove me away like a abandoned animal" Stella said as a tear slipped out of her eye "hey it's ok wanna come over to my house i live alone so" I said until Stella hugged me "yeah please" she said "looks like we're gonna be besties lol" I said when I giggled like a 3 year old "yep" she said while we ran all the way back to my house "can I tell you something" Stella asked "yeah anything" I said "ok don't tell anyone about this promise" she said while giving me a sad look "I promise" I said "ok I am EMO as well but I do stupid things that I am not supposed to do" Stella said "ok" I said placing my hand on her shoulder "I'm going to show you something but don't tell anyone" she said "I promise" I said.
When Stella took her hoodie off I seen scars all over her arms "oh Stella" I said getting worried I hugged her "why do that" I whispered "because of all the bullying" she said as she fell forward on my chest "look up" I said as I took my hoodie off "look at me I've been doing the same" "but your more lively than me" Stella said "that's all fake I'm exactly the same as you" I said "ok" she mumbled "come on I'll take you out to bowling for a bit of fun" I offered Stella "yeah" she said getting excited "ok well we gotta get changed first" I said "ok" she said

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