Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry Naruto. I-I"

"It's alright Hinata, but don't forget to look where you're going next time."

A boy behind her is laughing at her. He first thoughts were to shoot a fist in his face. He laughs even louder when she can't do it. Then Naruto walked up to him. His eyes were glowing red with anger. He then took his fist an slammed it into the boys stomach. He held it tightly afterwards and walked away.

"I never want to see you push or hurt another girl! I'll beat you right up if I catch you, believe it!"

He looked at Hinata who's eyes had filled with water. "He won't do it again, I promis. I never go back on my word. I never run from a fight. That's my ninja way."

"Thank you, but how can I repay you?"

He tapped his cheek twice and she started blushing again. He laughed at her. "You really thought I would ask for that? You don't have to repay me, but you can help me by being my friend so I can protect you. What do you say Hinata?"

"O-ok Naruto." She said in a little girl's voice. He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her gently towards the others.

"Sasuke, Chi meet Hinata. The girl who's always afraid to talk tk anyone. I know it sounds wrong, but it's true."

"Bakaaaaaa!!" Chirito slammed him over his head with her fist."

"Nice going, dobe."

"Ouch. What th...."

"Tell Hinata-chan you're sorry."Or there'll be another fist on your head." She said in a scary voice.

"I'm sorry Hinata-chan. I didn't mean to offend you."

"I-I..." She was cut off by Chirito.

"Now if you ever tell her that she's too afraid to talk..."

"I get it, I get it. I won't say it again." He was still holding her hand. Chirito saw that she was blushing and she knew it wasn't because she doesn't know them. Then she had a smile on her face. They continued to walk and not a singel word about Naruto holding Hinata's hand was mentioned. Later on Hinata started acting normal around Naruto. As if they had beed friends (or more) for years.

"Naruto-kun I think you can let go of Hinata-chan's hand. You ti have been like that all day." Sasuke finally said.

"Oh sorry Hina-chan I wasn't aware of it."

"Oh don't worry Naruto-kun. It's alright." She started blushing again. A boy that was running towards them accidentally knocked Naruto onto Hinata. They kissed and seperated after nine seconds. Naruto also started blushing. He just grabbed her hand and continued on. Chirito and Sasuke's mouths were almost hanging on the ground.

"Are you comming or what?"

"Are we the only ones that just saw what happened?" Sasuke asked with a confused look in his eye.

"Look it was an accident. Forget about it." He looked down at his feet.

A storm of girls started appearing after the group walked further. "Naruto-kun!!! Sasuke-kun!!!" They all screamed. They were running at him. A few of them grabbed Hinata and Chirito away from them. They started to huddel around them. The two boy looked at at each other. With one sign both of them dissapeared into thin air. Chirito and Hinata silently walked away. They soon were out of the bundle of fangirls they started talking to each other.

"Hinata-chan I saw you when you first talked Naruto-kun."

"Uhh. Uhm.."

"You like him don't you?"

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