Chapter 1

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"K-Kakashi...come closer."

He leans closer to Obito traped under the boulder. Rin watches from the back thinking all the while that this was her fault.

"I just realised I still haven't given you your gift."

"Obito please you're daying..."

"No Kakashi...I need you to have this. Rin could you transplant my left eye into Kakashi...please."

She nods her head and looks to Kakashi's direction. His eye starts to water. A shadow of sadness covers over him. An expression of shock lays plain on his face. "Obito you can't be..."

"I'am Kakashi. Rin do the transplant now."

"Here take my kit."

Obito was shocked to see Kakashi took the medical kit with him. A smile played on his face. "Rin do it already."

"I'm done."

"The other side of my body's going numb."

The roof starts crumbling down. A few meters away someone starts screaming out to them. "Kakashi promise me this one thing, please take care of Rin for me. Please Kakashi."

"I promise Obito."

They jump out leaving Obito behind. Kakashi looked back once before he was burried under the rocks and boulders. He takes Rin to a safe place and stepped on a ledge that miracoulasly stood. He stood in front of the enemy with his sword pulled out. A flash of lightning appeared in his hand and he dashed to the bandits. Striking them down one by one. Screams were heard throughout the forest.

'Thank you Obito. I'll always protect Rin for you.'

"Kakashi...your back?"

"Let's get to the checkpoint. Minato- sensei's probably waiting for us already."

She looks down away from his sight. He moves closer to her and holds out his hand. She looks up again and takes his hand. He looks up and jumps into the trees. They safely land on the rock where Minato arranged for them to meet. He lets her down slowly to her feet.

"Kakashi how are we going to tell sensei? I mean it's not like we can just tell him."

"I know, but we have to just tell him. We can't change anything now he's already gone."

"Kakashi, Rin where is Obito?"


"Sensei, Obito was killed, by bandits that captured Rin. We got there and rescued her, but Obito wasn't so lucky. I'm sorry sensei, I wasn't a great leader and above all else I, we didn't complete the mission as you requested. I'm sorry."

"Kakashi there's no need to put that whole burden on your shoulders. I'm here too. We can both get through this together."

They head off to the village. Rin still had the expression of sadness on her face. Still she knew she had to focus on getting home safely. Kakashi had always thought of Obito as a drag, but now he wished he had more time with him. The sadness was visable in his eyes.

Swiftly moving in the trees the make it back to the village. Kakashi went home after they entered the gates. Rin walked slowly to her house. Minato was left alone to give in the reports about the mission. Rin was still on her way home. She looked at all the spots where Minato took the team after completed missions and could only think abput Obito and his big mouth always shouting or saying something stupid just to get attention. Her thoughts only resided at the Uchiha compound. How would his family take this. They where always mad at Obito or weren't happy about him being around. He was always clarified as the disgrace to the Uchiha name. Would they even feel sad about his death or would they just be better off without him.

"Come on Kakashi...get over this already."

'Obito why did you have to die so soon? You...'

Someone startes knocking at his door. He looks at the door. He walks up to it and notices blond hair. He opens the door and waits for Minato to start lecture him. He raised his hand to the boy and put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

"Kakashi I know it's hard for you, but all of us from the team have to go to Obito's family and tell them about what has happened."

"Yes sensei. I'll be with you in a few minutes."

"Meet me at the gate of the compound."

He got a new shirt from the closet and pulled it over his body. He looked out the window. He could see Rin already walking towards the gate. He dashed out the widow and onto the ground with incredible speed. He started jumping across to the compound. He met up with Rin and they both waited. A few minutes later Minato came out of the compound calling them in and they vanished into the compound.

'Kakashi...why did you let me die? could have saved me. I wouldn't be dead if only you were stronger. You weakling.'

He jumped on his bed awoken by the nightmare. He was sweating like a mad dog. He put his hand up to his head. Feeling sad, angered. He thought of training again so he slipped out of his window and started running to the training grounds. He hopped over and created a few clones to practice on. His eye started weakening and he felt it, but he didn't stop. The sun started to rise and as soon as it did Minato was next to the young boy.

"Kakashi I think that's enough. You'll over train yourself soon."

"Sensei I can't or I'll be reminded of..."

"I know, but you have to accept it. It's done."

'Obito I'm sorry you died because you had to protect me, because I was too weak. I'm sorry Obito.'

"No. Not anymore. Not now not ever again."

She pulled out a scroll from her closet. It was still blank. Her hands waved a few signs and she pressed it on the white paper. A puff of smoke appeared. She had created a healing scroll for herself. She did it a few more times. She stepped out of her room and walked into the streets. A few minutes later she stepped on the training grounds herself. She looked at the waterfall and stepped closer. She landed on the water. Her feet lit up with blue chakra. Running around she counted the minutes untill her chakra vanished. She jumped onto the grass once more. Her hand placed firmly to the ground. She stood up and took out a scroll. Her hands waved a sign and her chakra refilled. Her training continued for days on end. Her body couldn't take all of it and she knew it, but she didn't stop. She continued with her training day in and day out.
Kakashi wasn't even aware of what Rin was doing to herself. He walked to the training grounds. He entered with a look of surprise on his face. He never thought he would see Rin training. He walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She almost kicked him over the head. He stepped back and grabbed her leg.

"Hey don't kill me."

"Sorry Kakashi I didn't see you."

"Why are you here? Or should I ask why are you training alone?"

"You want to train with me?"

He stepped to her and started with the proper greeting. He knew this was the new way to relieve herself of the pain she felt. A few seconds later she fell to the ground. Her whole body was pale. He saw her and knew she needed medical attention. He took her in his arms and carried her to the hospital. She was quickly taken in. A medical ninja walked out if her room.

"Kakashi you're the one who brought her in?"

"Yes Santaru. How is she?"

"Well the cause of this is that her body couldn't handel the pressure anymore and she got worn out."

"What? I can actually understand why she would do all this. She's trying to become stronger, but still needs to forget about Obito's death. I know it was hard for her...can you do something for me?"

"Sure thing kid."

"Tell her that she has to think about her health when she wakes up."

He turned around and walked out of the hospital. Straight to his house. He was shocked to hear that Rin instead of him was trying to drow their sorrows in training. He was shocked to discover she would go this far.

When Death Comes[After My "Death" Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now