Chapter 5

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"Chi! Chi!"

"I'm right here you don't have to shout."

"Oh sorry."

"Have you seen Sasuke anywhere? I haven't seen him since we left class."

"I was in the bathroom, dobe."

"Hey no need to go back to fighting." Chirito said to stop them from saying things to each other.

"Sorry Chi." They both spoke together.

"Now lets get back to practice. We still have to work on Naruto's clone jutsu and your transformation jutsu Sasuke."

"Chi I know you've been pushed into training by Kakashi, but there's no need to push us that hard."

"Don't you want to become as strong as your fathers?"

"Hey Naruto's the one complaining."

"Sasuke is the one who told me to tell you that. He said that he would like to learn from Itachi instead."

"Ok then lets just do it after school." She said with a sigh.

"Minato how far are we from the location of the target?"

"About four clicks. Fugaku..."

"Right." He closed his eyes and after a few seconds opened them again to reveal his sharingan. He looked straight ahead and saw a powerful flow of chakra. He waved his hands back at the rest of the group. They all split up into seprate groups. Fugaku stayed on the path alone. His wife along with Obito went right. Kushina and Minato sprung left and Minato prepaired his kunai. A moment later they met face-to-face with Kakazu. They all knew what they were up against and were prepaired to die. He saw them and already he released his stiches and shot them first at Fugaku. He got away from one, but another shot him in the stomach. His next target was Mikoto. Her quick thinking helped her to avoid sixty fatal attacks. One she missed and got hit in the back. It pierced through her chest and just missed her heart. Fugaku gathered all the power he could and jumped in to save her from any futher damage. He held his hand to her chest and a green light shined on her wound. She smiled at him with a drop of blood flowing from her mouth.

"I'm sorry for going out this quick in the fight." He had tears in his eyes after hearing that. He held her close and kissed her lips. He stood up and left her leaning on a tree. He took a kunai and jumped right next to Kakazu and shoved it right into his shoulder. With that a man appeared. Fugaku quickly noticed his sharingan.

"Fugaku. We have a report that Shisui Uchiha has been missing for the last three days." Moments later another ninja appeared at his doorstep.

"Fugaku. We found him. He was at the bottom of the lake. We found that both his eyes had gone missing."

His eyes widened. To hear someone would steal the eyes of an Uchiha and kill him just for that. This was no joke. Someone else than the Uchiha has the sharingan.

At the sight of Shisui's lifeless body he felt as though he could taste the rotten flesh in his mouth. Shisui was the only Uchiha that unlocked the most powerful of sharingan. This power stolen. He was mearly sixteen and he was slaughtered. One word was heard from everyone. Why?

"Your heart is mine Uchiha."

'Danzo is the one who stole Shisui's eyes. Wait he has only one.' He saw Danzo's left eye was still normal. He was unfocused and he could guard himself from Kakazu's attack. One of his stitches cut him in the chest. It pierced through his lung. Minato had already tagged him and he got the chance to get at least a scratch on him. He teleported to his back and slashed him through his chest. He was too late. Kakazu had already stabbed Kushina in her stomach. Blood gushed out of her mouth.

"Don't get distracted yellow flash. It may be your downfall." He cut Minato in the chest missing his heart with just an inch. He puched Obito back into the air and slashed his chest multipul times. He wasn't letting them die on the count of his heart failing. But Danzo, he slaughtered them all as soon as Kakazu's focus wasn't on them. What he didn't know was that there was one more ninja in the shadows. Hirumo Uchiha. He was ordered to keep watch over them. As he can preform genjutsu he can show all of Konoha's T & I sector or if he wasn't able to do so Inoichi could at least find out the truth.

"Alright students now all of you have a wonderful day." The teacher said as the children left tge class. As soon as the trio came out Chirito grabbed the boys by the wrists and dragged them through the streets. They quickly made it to the training grounds. She gave them each three shuriken.

"Chi where'd you get these? I don't think we should be using them."

"Relax Naruto. I got them as a birthday present."

"The rules say nothing about how old you should be to use them."

After they got into their stance she pointed to two wooden puppets. She munipulated them with her chakra as her sensei taught her. They started attacking. One, two, three. Shurikens flew towards them. It was like the two of them were twins as they moved together like they were one person. She stared in astonishment. Her jaw was dropped.

"What the..."

"Well we've actually been training with Naruto's father and Itachi. They insisted on us being able to defend ourself."

"That's actually why we didn't want to train. We finally get a day off and now we still have to train. It's like all of you want us to be killing machines."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've let you off."

"It was actually sort of a moment of bragging. That we can do everything you can, but even better." Sasuke smiled at her. He and Naruto both enjoyed it. Neither of them aware of what was going on.


"Oh still alive are we? I'll correct that."

"No...Mikoto." Fugaku could only stare as his wife was cut down right infront of him. Or so he thought. Danzo's sharingan was over worked and he couldn't hit his mark. Her blood was spilled all around her body. She layed still as though she was playing dead. Danzo took this chance to cut her down again. She activated her sharingan and he was trapped in a genjutsu. It wasn't that strong, but it was strong enough to distract him. He was able to activate his own sharingan and released the jutsu. He shot the kunai from his hand and took it out again. He then went after Fugaku who stood up while his wife distracted Danzo. He rushed to him and tried to kill him, but Danzo was too quick and stabbed him in the chest. After killing Obito, Danzo turned to Kakazu who was confused over all his replacements being dead. He sprung in the air and blew on his kunai. He struck his blade through Kakazu's heart. As soon as he was done he sensed another presence. He dashed at the person and attacked him. He wasn't dead, but he wasn't consious either. Danzo took him back to Konoha as if he had saved him. The Uchiha was in a coma  almost dead so Danzo had no worries of him telling the truth.

The trio made their way to Ichiraku's and order three bowls of ramen. Naruto at as fast as he could just to have another bowl. After twelve bowls he finally had enough. His eight year old stomach could only take that much. They walked out after thanking Teuchi for their meals. Suddenly out of nowhere Chirito started feeling weird. She didn't know what it was, but she knew there was something wrong. She shook it off as if it were nothing. Her face had the biggest smile on it to hide the fact that she wasn't feeling good. Naruto and Sasuke never once noticed.

"Ouch!" Naruto said as a girl had fell on him. Her eyes were a grey coulor. Her hair short and blue. She started blushing as their eyes met. He could tell either she was sorry or felt like a fool. He stood up and grabbed her hand. Her quivering became even more visable. Her whole face was red.

"Are you alright Hinata?"

'He knows my name?' She thought to herself as her whole body started glowing red. She bit down on her lip as if it was a calming reflex.

I know. I know way too long not to update. Hopefully this dubble update makes up for that. If you feel like the story is getting childish ,or whatever, let me know....

Well bye....

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