Chapter 2

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Her eyes opened and she looked at the roof. She had to deal with all that pain now. Her head was acking and her whole body was cramping up. Her eyes turned to the door when it swung open. A medical-ninja stepped in and dragged a cart with her.

"You're finally awake. Your friend was here a while ago. He told me to tell you something. He said you don't have to carry all the weight of Obito's death on your shoulders alone. He's there for you."


The door swung open again. This time it was Minato. He stood in the doorway and half in the turn he realises Santaru was still in the room. He turnes to Rin in the bed. Her drowsy eyes sadenss him.

"How are you feeling Rin? Are you alright?"

"Y-yes sensei I'm alright. You don't have to worry so much."

He held back his sad expresion and instead held a straight face. He was alarmed and sad at the same time. How was he suppose to feel. His very own student was busy dying.

Kakashi turned around the corner. He had his hands in his pockets. The frown on his lips was visable even behind his mask. A few minutes later of walking around in the streets he ran into Kushina.

"Hello Kakashi. What are you doing in town?"

"I'm on my way home. I just came from the hospital."

"Alright. And Kakashi about Obito..."

"Kushina I don't think you should worry about me. You will be more helpful if you went to visit Rin."

"What happened? Is she alright?"

"She over...trained herself. Her body gave in and she ended up in the hospital. Anyway I have to go. Goodbye Kushina."

He turned around and walked off into the distance. He felt the sadness in his face. He was hard on himself, but Rin was going even further. Her life was now at stake. She was playing at death's door. He walked slower with each passing moment. He stepped into his room and crashed into his door. His eyes filled up with tears. He let it all out. He was letting all his emotions run wild. He knew it was time for them to go free. He could not hold them back anymore. Rin was slowly dying and Obito was gone. He slowly stepped to his bed and rested his head on the pillow. He cried so much that he passed out.

Rin stood up and walked out of the room. Her head was still spinning. She made her way home and went staight to her room. She went to her desk and began to work on her scrolls again. She had her plans played out just as they were suppose to. After fifty scrolls she got really sleepy. She fell asleep without even realising it.

He got up and looked around his room. He decided to go out for lunch. He skipped out of his room to get some saury. He decided to take a detour to Rin's house. He got to her house and walked in. As he stepped into her room he could see that she was busy making scrolls again. He didn't want to bother her. When he stepped out the sadness had returned. He knew she was pushing herself, but he didn't know she would go this far. He walked out and continued on his route. He got to the restaurant and sat down forgetting to order.
He was lost in his head. His mind wouldn't let him forget at least for a moment. He wasn't aware of anything around him. He felt as though he was alone in the world.

: .
Months later Kakashi and Rin started living their normal lives. They were called in for a D-rank mission. They were sent out to seek and kill more of the bandits that killed Obito. They accepted it like it was just an average mission. They were out for revenge. Guy helped them to fill the team's numbers. Minato knew they would want to just fly in and kill every last one of the bandits so he showed up earlier than the rest of the team. They all stepped out of the village and started heading off into 'The forest of death'. They soon stop to find the location of the hideout.

"We have intel that the hideout is twenty meters north from our present location."

"Right. Rin do you have any scrolls with you?"

"Yes Kakashi."

"Guy and sensei we'll take on them alone if you don't mind."

"Good, but Kakashi remember to look out for Rin."

"That won't be needed. I can protect myself."

Her eyes were filled with anger. Her heart filled with hatred. She was not the same little girl as a few months ago. Her fists were clenched. They soon made it to the hideout. Ready for anything they stared into the faces of the enemy. All of them came flying at them. They were all alone, but prepared. One by one the bandits fell down. One final blow and all of them were dead. They went back to the rest of the team and continued on their way home. They soon reach the gate of the village.

Kakashi jumped up at the crack of dawn. He was happy with the mission. He ate his breakfast and got to the training grounds as fast as he could. The sun has not come up yet and the moon has hidden itself in the darkness behind the mountains, but Kakashi is already at the training grounds. A little ray of light cut through the darkness. He took his stance. He made three clones of himself and they all started to attack. His left eye turned red and a burst of lightning charged in his hand. He charged to them and in a puff of smoke they all fanished. As he stood back up he smelled someone behind him. He turned around and with the sharingan quickly spotted them. He saw multiple chakra in the bushes. He realised he was being ambushed. In his turn the burst of lightning appeared again and he charged to the assasins.

'I guess they're here to take revenge apon me for their fallen comrades. If I don't finish them off now they'll probably go after Rin. I have to end this now.'

"You missed kid. Guess you're not as sharp as you thought. Wha..."

A clone of Kakashi made it's way above the bandit. He was soon flat on the ground. As soon as he was dead a bunch of them showed up and everytime one fell two became a problem. He was cutting and dodging the whole fight through.

'Come on Kakashi you can take them. I know you can.' Obito thought to himself as he hid behind a bush. He could only watch.

Kakashi was not aware of it, but a bandit snuck behind him and his leg connected with the boy's back. He almost fell to the floor, but before he hit the ground someone punched him in the chin. Obito saw only the blood come out of Kakashi as he fell. He thought for sure he was dead. He felt anger inside, but his face didn't show it. He engaged his sharingan, but this time it was different. It had three commas now. He felt a strange sensation in his eye and when he looked back at Kakashi the bandits were gone. They were all sucked into his eye. He ran as fast as he could to his friend. He made sure if he still had life in him. As soon as he was done checking everything he picked him up and jumped towards the hospital.

"Kakashi stay with me. Don't go anywhere just stay with me."

He soon reached the hospital. Knowing that no one could see him he just left him at the door. Soon Santaru saw the boy lay on the ground and rushed to him. She rushed him into the hospital and took him straight to a room. His clothes were like cut up rags and full of blood too. He had multipul cuts and blue marks all over his body. Any so and so could see he was not alright. He was gaining and loosing consiousness frequently. Some of the nurses thought he wouldn't make it, but he wasn't going down. As he gained consiousness he was being pushed into a room.

"You made it kid. You sure lost alot of blood, but you made it."

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