Chapter 9 - Best Friends

Start from the beginning

"Troye, listen to me." He said as he grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes. "Who gives a damn that you suck at mini golf? You could be totally awesome at other things!"

"Like what?" I asked with attitude.

"I don't know yet." He gave me a look that said he wanted to say more but he did not.

"I guess that means we'll have to be hanging out more often." I smirked.

"Hell yeah. Not let's go get some ice cream!" He screamed.

God, he is so hot. And beautiful. Hot and beautiful. He oozes seduction...

Ok, so, I think I'm actually falling for him. I mean, I've only seen him twice, the day he saved my life and then today, but I always thought he was cute and watched his videos every day, all day.

"Troye! What kind of ice cream do you want?" He called out.

Four minutes later Tyler came back with his vanilla milkshake and my cotton candy ice cream.

I took one lick and I was in heaven. "Ohh. Mmm." I moaned.

I pointed with my spoon to my ice cream. "This is the best cotton candy ice cream I have ever had in my life."

"That's because I licked it." My jaw dropped.

He licked my ice cream, I just freakin- I can't.

"So, this was, like, our first time swapping spit, huh?" I smirked.

Tyler laughed. So did I. For a long time. Until we stopped and just stared at each other, smiling. Knowing this couldn't go on forever, though, I would want it to, I had to get back to school. I was only going to the dentist after all. And, just like he read my mind, he said we had to go.

I watched my footing on the way to the car. Once we were all settled in and buckled up it occured to me how weird it would be to walk into school without a note from the dentist.

"Tyler, how am I going to get back to class without a note?"

"Don't worry." He said and pulled a very believing note out of his pocket. "I've got it covered."

My face shown the look of disbelief.

"You- how? That's the town dentist's signature!"

"Yeah, I had to go get my teeth whitened, so I had him sign your name. I got the idea of taking you out at the dentist. I can't believe it all worked." He shrugged.

"Ty, you can't just do that! You can't just-" I stopped as he put his hand on mine.

"It's okay."

Something about the look on his face convinced me that it was ok.

We drove to the school and he signed me in and I was sent to 4th period. I had study hall. Perfect.

Even better, that class had just started, so now I had to sit through an hour of silence and boredom. Plus, after what I'd just done with Tyler, this was a low.

I took my seat and slouched. After the teacher had taken roll call I pulled out my phone. How else was I supposed to get through this? Twitter was my answer for everything. For some reason I was drawn to look at mt DM's. I nearly dropped my phone in shock.

My shock-o-rometer was filling up fast today.

TYLER DM'd ME! 5 minutes ago.

Tyler: Hey, I know you're in school and all, but I forgot to ask for your number. :p

Ho. Ly. Wait for it... Shit!

I messaged him back saying that I was in study hall and gave him my number. Then I waited for him to text me.

Tyler: Should you really be texting in class? tsk, tsk, tsk.

Troye: It's just study hall. Plus, even the teacher takes naps!

Tyler: Which teacher?

Troye: Mrs. Holdon.

Tyler: Oh. Yeah, she was always a sleeper. Lol.

Troye: Yep.

Tyler: Listen, the reason I wanted your number was because, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out again sometime. On a real date?

Troye: We were just on a date? I thought you were just taking me out for ice cream as an apology for leaving. :p

Tyler: Well, yeah, it was. It was both actually. So, what do you say? Hang out with Tyler on a Friday night?

Troye: Hmm, let me check my calen- Yes. I'm free all weekend if you want to know. ;)

Tyler: Cool. (:

I'm not sure if he knows that I like him but I think it might have just come through loud and clear. Gosh, Tyler Oakley just asked me out on a date. Via direct message, but still, it's the thought that counts.

And, to be honest, I want to be with him right now. My heart beating faster just thinking about being in his arms if all goes well. Which, I hope it will.

Study hall dragged on and on and on for the rest of the hour. It's not like I really minded though. I was only thinking about tomorrow. About what would happen. About him. That's all I needed. All I wanted right now. It may be obvious, but I'm still not sure if he likes me back.

Maybe tomorrow will tell me. It could also be a sad beautiful tragic love affair.

But, maybe not.

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