Chpt 18 < C.U.N.T>

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[ C A L V I N ]

It was pretty late now. About 2 am. I found it unbelievable, everything that went down tonight.

It was, uh pretty fucking awesome.

I couldn't help the half smile that makes its way onto my face.

"What's with that creepy smile mate?"

Niall was in the doorway just standing there watching me.

"Ugh. Fuck off"

"I'd much rather fuck you"

"Course you would, I mean who wouldn't"

"Well, I know some people that'll 'pass' the opportunity to 'smash'"

"Dude, are you making a reference to that stupid game..Or challenge..Whatever."

He laughs.

He spots a pair of my glasses on the bedside.

"Man, these fucking glasses. Never will get over them."

"I swear to god if I hear one more Goddamn Scooby-Doo joke!"

"Ehh, it would be a pretty lame joke seeing as about half of the world's population has made the joke already."

"Thank the lo-"

"Plus they are really fucking cute on you."

I groan.

"Don't pretend like you don't love the compliments."

I roll my eyes.

"Yes of course they make me feel 'pretty'. Now are you gonna step in the room or Not?"

"Well actually, not cause I've gotta go home..."

I feel the smile on my face leave.

He raises an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing..., But do you have to leave? Could you...i don't know...Stay the night?"

I mumble under my breath.

"Awh, Callie! You want me to stay the night with you?"

"Nevermind then"

He laughs and comes closer.

"Course I'll stay with you. Why would I leave?"

"Well I can think of a few.."

"I can't, you're too perfect."

"Niallllllllll stop with the stupid compliments."

"Sure, beautiful"

"Oh No! That wink, stop Niall! You're creeping me out!"


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