-UNSPECIAL SPECIAL- The sequal: New Years

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Well wasn't 2k16 a great year? Ha, Next! 2017 hurry the fuck up.

Edit: Okay, WTF Leafy's new video... I'm gonna miss him... But I'll still be here when he comes back! Hope he's OK...


[ L E A F Y ]

The one day I wanted to not sleep was also the one day that I couldn't even stay awake until 9.

It was New Year's Eve and Me and Niall had a bet.

Loser had to do anything the other wanted for a day. The winner would be determined by who could stay up the longest.

I had thought I would win.

I mean, out of 24 hours I probably only get about 3-5 hours... If any at all.

I knew Niall would be a good challenge considering he usually went to bed around 4 am. I still thought I could beat him.

Or at least I did.

Tonight I could feel the tiredness eating at me.

But that doesn't mean I'm a quitter.

Plus I was kind of scared of what would happen if Niall won.

Every time I felt my eyes droop down, I would force them back open.

I had taken a shower to see if that would help.

Plus I had downed 3 cups of coffee.

It worked for an hour.

A little while back Niall caught onto my sudden sleepiness and started using it to his advantage.

Meaning, he started being a dick about it.
"Calvin... You look tired. Why don't you just go to sleep? It's just not worth it."

I groan.

"Kindly shut the fuck up mate" I mimic his accent."

He shoves me. I put up no fight resulting in me on the ground.

I don't move. Niall looks over the side and laughs at me.

"Mate it's only"
- he looks down at his phone-
"11:23 not even 2017 yet. Just give up now and we'll go to bed."

"NEVER(shout never)" I jump up and run to the kitchen.

I run water over my face.

Nothing. It doesn't help at all.

I look over at Niall who's smirking in the doorway.

"Ready to give up?"


And then I get an idea.

I really stupid idea. But hey drastic times lead to drastic measures.

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