Chapter nine-Stronger

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His p.o.v.

I left around lunch and now it's supper. I must have fell asleep because brandon's standing over me with tired, worried eyes. 

"Where have you been?" I sit up and shake my head no. Not only to him but to myself also. I had another horrible dream. Lilia had come back but was upset because she felt as though I had forgotten her. That I abandoned search for her. She had came to me crying. Round green eyes popping with red and just asked for me to hold her in my arms.

I cried because my vision was so real. I could smell the shampoo on her hair. I could feel the pressure of her lips kissing my shoulder as I hugged her. As I wake up I touch my shirt where her tears had wettened but to me it all felt the same. I turn away from brandon and I leave the tear rolling down my cheek. I feel the moisture gain power as more tears come together. The water rolling down my cheek tickles at the light hair I have on my cheeks and then moistens the rough but shaven skin below it. It falls from my face and dampens just a spot on my pillow. Brandon must see this because he walks away. I hear his muffled footsteps on the carpet and by the pace I can tell he's walking cautiously. Probably hoping that there aren't any tripwires for setting the ticking bomb inside me off.

I forgotten the girl and I feel sorry for running off. I grab a quick granola bar and a soda and sit on my bed and eat. Brandon comes and sits next to me and says quietly " Where have you been?"

As I sigh a slight whisper escapes my mouth "I have been protecting someone."

He gives me a very pointed look before saying "Who is that?"

"A girl. A boy and his friend attacked her. They broke many bones, cut her with knives, and set her on fire with lighters."

"is she ok? And where is she now?"

"In her room. Why?"

"I was wondering if i've ever seen her. What was her name again?"

"I didn't say."

"Well what's her name?"

I am hesitant to speak because I know how Brandon feels about the slaves, as they're called. I mumble as I speak hoping he forgets it. "Her name is mnumbmer mone."

"What was that?

I sigh. "It's #1."

"A slave?!?"

"Yeah. So?"

"She works for us. She cooks our food, does our laundry. She is of lower class and doesn't deserve to be even talking to you."

I don't know when I made a fist or even when I drew my hand back. I just remember my hand connecting with his face, my knuckles splitting and his blood gushing out of a newly broken nose. Soon he is on the floor and I am beating him. But, after a couple hits I realize what I've been doing and I start to back away. Brandon gets up screaming horrible things at me. I just stand there and let him hit me, let him create pain. Unlike me he is an animal and has no conscience to stop. I cry as he breaks my body. I black out after one eye swells and I hope that when I wake up my mind will be a damaged newly blank mind.


Her P.O.V.

It's been nearly an hour since my boy left and I realize it's lunch and I could be working. I take off all of the not completely nessasary bandages. I put on my lunch uniform slowly as to not cause anymore damage. It is a simple black jeans and a white t-shirt. I tie my hair back into the familiar bun as I see how much damage I still have. Both eyes are swollen even though they're open. I have a couple slight burns on my face one above my left eyebrow and one on my right cheek. The really bad burns are on my sides, across my chest and a couple on my legs. They are more serious burns because that is where the flaming clothes were stuck to my skin. I suddenly see the fire in my eyes, I fall to the ground screaming and crying. I am not physically or emotionally ready to work. But, I stand up slowly making sure I'm stable. When I right myself I don't know why it comes to mind but it does. I think about how pretty I could be. But even if I wanted to look that way I could never be with anyone or be anyone's wife. It saddens me sometimes to think about what never could be. Then again I'll never know if anyone would want me in that way. I limp quietly towards the door as tears spring to my eyes as I think about how I had it. But, I never had anything so I dont know why I am tearing up. I shrug the feeling away, open the door and walk out.


I walk into the kitchen steadily showing no emotion. Actually I seem strong. Brave. Maybe even someone that you can look up to. I turn heads as I walk I hold my chin up high. I show the burns and cuts. I am not afraid. #2 runs upto me at this point trying to push me back.

"What are you doing? You aren't ready! You're limping and I can see your pain. Here. I'll bring you back to your room, we'll lay down and rest."

I hold steady no matter how much it hurts. "No."

"No....? What do you mean no? You looked in the mirror. You aren't blind too, right?"

This comment somewhat offends me. I then lock my jaw and try not to scream out from it repairing. "No." I wish my throat wasn't wrecked. It could have come off stronger. I wouldn't sound weak. Never the less #2 looks hurt. I feel guilty but I don't let it show. She backs away because I am of a higher number. There are 439 girls and 61 boys. Out of all I am Number One. I can't be told what to do by another slave.


His P.O.V.

I wake to a warm liquid on the side of my face. When I sit up I see a pool of blood next to me. I havent lost more than a pint but still feel weak. After I sit up and look for Brandon but he is no where to be found. I decide to not clean up the mess and go to the hospital instead. I push the call button and within a minute a slave is knocking on the door. When I open it she looks startled. When she doesn't speak I raise my eyebrow.

"Sorry sir. My name is Number three-hundred twenty-three and I will be asisting you. You have lost much blood. Would you like me to take you to the hospital wing?"

"No thank you Number three-hundred twenty-three. I will be able to transport myself there. As to you being called I would like you to clean up this mess." She leans slightly to peer into our messy blood stained room. Her eyes widen when she sees how much blood I actually lost or my rival is missing.

"What happened??"

It's funny when you see the curiosity of a slave come out because they are not supposed to be. I smirk slightly.

She becomes scared when she sees my smile. "I'm so sorry for my curiousity please excuse my distastefulness."

"No. No! I was smiling because I like seeing the curiosity. It shows me that your humans and not robots."

"We are not allowed to show curiosity."

"But I prefer it that way. I'm not like other people. What happened was that I was sticking up for one of you and my roommate beat me up for it."

"May I ask another question?"

"You just did but, ask away."

Her face scrunched up in confusion as she asks "What does that mean?"

"You asked... A question and.... Well because... Nevermind. Sure you can ask another question."

"Ok....? But what is the name of the one you stuck up for?"

"Her name is Number One."

Number 323 then seizes up and gasps. She starts to shake and sits down on the floor. I look out into the hallway to see if anyone saw. It is empty as far as I can see and I shut the door. "What's wrong?"

"I heard what happened to her and that she was out of working right now. When I saw her at lunch coming back..."

"Wait. What?!?" I am somewhat mad by what I hear.

"She came back at lunch today..."

"I knew I shouldn't have left." Now I just feel horrible for leaving.

"She looked strong." This girl seems proud by what she says. As if she's proud for just seeing Number One come back. I wonder how Number One's name and being here effects people.

"She may look that way but she's not better yet. Didn't you see all of the bandages?"

"She wasn't wearing any as far as I could tell."

"Just like her to do that"


"Where can I find her now?"


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