Chapter three - Dreaming of Rings

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His P.O.V.

Today I just got the worst news. The police showed up, and pulled my sweaty self out of gym, to give me Lilia's promise ring found around the spot the girls dissapeared. I cried right in front of them, and they sent me to my room and I immediately went into the shower. I stand here sobbing my eyes out but I don't feel better. I turn the heat all the way up so I wake up to reality. I stand there so long that my legs grow tired and I sit down in the bottom and put my head on my knees. I should've known. They said that I'm excused for the next week's worth of classes. But without her, it doesn't matter to me. I'd do anything to have my Lilia back.

After my shower, my hands are wrinkly from all the water intake. I look at them and look at the white peeling skin. I welcome the distraction and start picking at it until it bleeds. I leave it a bloody mess and when I walk out of the bathroom Brandon is sitting on his bed, he walks over to me and says, "I'm sorry." and then pats my back with a sad smile and walks out of the room. I understand, he must have heard me in the shower. Embarassment is the emotion last on my list. How much more of school I can handle no one knows, since they found Lilia's promise ring I wear it on a chain around my neck. I hope wherever she is, she still loves me as much as I love her.


Her P.O.V.


I need to check the chore list before I go to bed. Hopefully #2 has the same chores as me again.


Her P.O.V.

Finally a nap, after a long day of cooking and cleaning, but next week I still cook but get to clean the lunch tables instead of wash dishes. I finally reach my room I sleep in and I open the door. Once I shut the door I turn towards my roomie #2 and ask her, "Hey, what did you get for lunch next week?"

She answers,"Cleaning the tables, you?" I turn my smile upside down, I'm gonna have some fun I think.

"What do you think I got?" I say, trying to sound upset.

#2 looks at me and says, "Cleaning the tables... " She suddenly laughs at me her chocolate brown eyes sparkling and says, "You always know how to crack me up!"

"How did you know?" I ask. I fake pouting although she knows I'm kidding.

"I looked up your schedule before you even did!" She chuckles as she lays down for our nap.

"When, I went down as soon as I could!"

She looks at me while she lets out her shoulder length brown hair from it's ponytail and says, "Remember? You work even more than me!"

"Well... yeah." I reply reluctantly. I lay down to 'sleep', we call our sleep time naps because every night, I only get one hour of sleep, and then I go back to cooking and cleaning, Jess is allowed to get two hours. On sundays we sleep all day catching up on what we lost during the week. As I fall asleep in my bunk, I dream of a boy about my age with short redish brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, and a familiar smile, his name is on the edge of my tounge when he says to me, "Is it you? My love? I've missed you so much." He starts to cry and walk towards me. I immediately get scared, and back away, not knowing this boy. He then looks at me again and says, "Don't you know me?" I shake my head and manage to stutter "I've seen you, but I don't know you." He starts sobbing tears running down his face and says sniffling, " I love you more than you know, Lilia." I think to myself is my name Lilia? Or is he mistaken?Then he walks away and after that, and I fall deeply into oblivion not remembering my dream.

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