Chapter one - Love, and Tears

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His P.O.V.  

The only good thing about today is.... nothing. Gym in winter? Someone kill me. At least it's not outside but, the gym is cold as the air leaks in around the door frames. I go through all of my classes and then gym and then end up here in my room. I turn away from my roommate, Brandon, who knows I don't speak. He doesn't even try anymore. He's not the nerdiest kid in this school, but he's close. His red hair and freckles make him more nerdy and smarter looking. Whiter than whipped cream, as Lilia used to say... He just got rid of his glasses, and now he has contacts, he's not muscular, but he has no fat. I think he'll be getting dates before he knows it, but I'm unsure, he's never actually talked to a girl about anything besides computers. Even then maybe those were just guys were with long hair. It's been 4 months and now it's an early december just after Lilia's birthday.

Lilia loved, what she called, my nerdiness no matter how geeky I acted. The thing I loved about her is that she was a nerd too, but she wasn't just any girl... She was gorgeous and most of all, mine. She was my angel, and I was going to marry her someday. I loved her with all the empty space of where my heart had been seeing as I had already given it to her.

 I get up to go take a shower since I just had gym, I would rather shower alone instead of with a group of guys all being jerks and "showing off". I take my shirt off as I think of Lilia. Looking at myself in the mirror, I remember her face... Her beautiful angelic face saying that she loves everything about me. My round brown eyes, she said it makes it me mysterious, because you have to be close to know how gorgeous they are. My short redish brown hair, that she loved running her fingers through it while kissing me. She also loved my chest... She said I was muscular, even though compared to others I'm not. She also said how perfect my lips are, and how she wished she had them. Realizing that I was daydreaming of her, I look in the mirror and see my green eyes highlighted by red veins and tears running down my face. I don't wipe them away because I feel like I'll go numb if I do. As if I don't feel. I don't ever want to forget this pain I have right now. I want it to be a memory forever.

Lilia please come back to me, even if as an angel, so I can feel you protecting me.


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