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(Hey ,lemme know if you're having trouble with any of the chapters. Chapter five is being a pain so if you can't read it, let me know and I'll send you the link or something)

Gerard seemed to know exactly what he was doing, holding Frank by the waist, who still sat in his lap.
Frank however ,wasn't too experienced with this whole touchy feely thing.
So Frank straddled Gerard's lap and let the older man take control over their less than innocent make out session.

Frank swore his tummy was flipping around like a bat out of hell, intensifying whenever Gerard bit his lip or sucked at his tongue.

Frank was in a daze of lust and pleasure, not being able to control his actions when his body betrayed him, grinding down eagerly into Gerard's new forming hard on.

The room filled with the sounds of heavy breaths, fabric being tugged at and lips working in synchronization.

Gerard allowed his hands to roam back, gripping tightly at Franks jean clad bottom.
This caused a loud gasp to erupt from the youngest mouth.
Frank pulled his lips off of Gerard's with much protest.

The raven haired boy looked down at Gerard who starred right back up into his own hazel eyes, bursting with passion and hunger.

They starred for what seemed like ages until finally, one of them spoke up.

"You wanna fuck me?"
Franks eyes widen from his own words.
Where did the sudden confidence come from ?!
Oh lord ! What has he gotten himself into??

Wasn't this illegal? Frank was underage! If anyone were to find out Gerard would get into so much trouble-

"Fuck yes I do"

Suddenly, Frank's train of thought took a different turn and all his worries seemed to disappear at the husky tone of Gerard's voice.
Frank could feel his already tight jeans tighten and the bats in his tummy go totally insane.

Right now, laws didn't matter, age didn't matter, nothing mattered in that moment but Gerard and Gerard's low, hungry tone. The beautiful ring to franks ears, the voice that acted as jumper cables that jumped frank to full energy and in complete need of Gerard.
God damn that red head.
Frank wanted this.

He definitely wanted this.
He wanted Gerard.

Without further thought, Frank ground his hips into Gerard's eagerly
"Then what are you waiting for?"

Words could express Gerard's smirk, the glint in his eyes, but none of those words were in Franks vocabulary. At least, not when his mind is full of nothing but the word "Gerard"

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