Catching fire:what if it happened

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Katniss POV:

"Peeta! where are you!". I looked around for my boy with the bread, and found no one. Why was the train so quite? I put that to the back of head and looked for Peeta.

I turned the corner to the tv room and saw him rocking back and forth. Wonder what's up with him, so I walked to him and asked what was wrong.

"What's wrong with you?". I asked and he jumped in surprise. This got my attention and I needed answers.

"Nothing, why did you ask?"peeta asked.

I looked him straight in the eyes and almost broke into tears. He hade a black eye, bloody nose, and his eyes were a different color from their crystal blue. He looked pale and....scared.

"Now I really think something is wrong. Peeta what happened, who did this to you?" I toke his face in my hands and he winced in pain.

"Nobody Katniss I'm fine!" he yelled and with that he got up and left.

Hmmm this was strange because he never yelled at me and he would always confess when he was scared.

Haymitch was at the door with red eyes and a bottle of wine. "what's with Peeta he is acting so strange.?"

Haymitch left and I followed only to be slapped harshly against the face. Tears fell fast and it was a mix of anger and pain. Why was this happening?

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