Chapter 2

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[Niall's POV]

            “Fuck!” I exasperated. Why do we always get stuck in these situations?! No pun intended! Why do all these supply closets lock from the outside?! This is something you see in those cliche films. I sighed heavily.

            Harry ran his two hands down his face once. He kicked the door, making a loud bang.

            “What are you doing!?” I asked, putting his leg down so he could stop.

            “Don’t you want to get out of here?”

            “Yeah, but I don’t want to get mobbed again.” I sighed. Harry rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest in a heavy huff. “Look,” I put a hand on his shoulder. “This is a janitor’s closet. So there could be tools that we could use to turn the lock in the knob.”  I suggested, comfortingly, so that he could be less angry. I know he’s not mad at me, but I still want him to smile.

            He grinned weakly. He nodded and turned on the light. The light blinded me a bit, but I adjusted. We looked around for a bit until I heard Harry say “Wait a minute.” All sneakily.

            I turned to him with confusion etched in my face. He had his arm behind a closet when he pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels from the back. Harry and I snickered. “Looks like Mr. Janitor has a secret stash.” He winked.

            “Only a sip.” I warned him. “It’s still daylight.”

            Harry huffed. “Okay, Liam.” He mocked, opening the bottle to take a sip. He tilted his head back and made a sour face. But it was replaced with a refreshed expression. He held the bottle out to me for me to take. Usually, I’m all for a drink, but only when I have a designated and responsible driver. But this is me and Harry you’re talking about. We both do crazy things when we’re drunk and, frankly, I need to be the responsible one here.

            I shook my head away. He rolled his eyes. “Come on! We don’t know how long we’ll be in here, might as well be a little buzzed while we wait.” He explained. More like persuaded. I sighed and took the bottle, taking a swig. I made the same reaction that he did.

            “Good stuff.” He giggled, taking the bottle. One is enough for me. I’m more of a beer person. After another drink or two, Harry capped the bottle and placed it back where he found it.

            I shook my head at him and sat on the ground on my bum with my legs folded. I wrapped my arms around my knees loosely, fingers locked where they met on the other side. Harry slid down and sat crisscrossed across from me. 

            “If I’m gonna be trapped in here for a while, I’m glad it’s with you, Niall.” Harry smiled. He wasn’t drunk. I know Harry when he’s drunk. He only had a few sips of whiskey.

            I smiled. “Same, buddy.” I pat his shoulder. “We can be in an empty, white room and I wouldn’t be bored because you and I always have something to do together. We’re never bored.” I explained. Harry laughed and agreed.

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