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Hello everybody!

Thanks for reading and commenting on my story! I read every and each, even years after completion of the story. I do know Between The Lines lacks a lot in terms of writing or plot points, but as my first written fanfic and published anywhere I am still quite proud of it. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing. Feel free to always message me.

Thank you all again <3

For anybody who liked this story, my writing and obviously Okita I am here bringing good news. I am writing another Okita story. Take a look below.

Sound of Hearstrings.

Summary:   Who would've thought that one night patrol would bring so much troubles? Okita didn't really want to travel 150 years into the future, neither to be involved in yokai business. But what other choice did he have?

You, a miko of local temple in 21st century Kyoto, never thought that you'd be taking care of time travelling samurai, but when was life ever easy for you?

(preview from chapter 1)

If only he knew what kind of problems this night patrolling would bring, he would've stayed at the compound.

It should've been a quick evening patrol, just a look at the streets, perhaps scare off some ronins, then back to the Shinsengumi Headquaters. Was it a gut feeling, or something else that brought him in front of a small temple? He didn't know. Perhaps, it was also his instincts that told him to dodge, when a hit came out of nowhere.

Quiet night filled a growl. A creature materialized before him, its eyes glowed in the dark, like a two blue embers. He could hear its heave steps, as the creature moved towards him. Okita took his stance, and waited for the monster to attack again. As it came closer, he could take in more details of its appearance. He invoulontary shuddered, when a thought of a demon crossed his mind.

The roar shook branches on the trees, and the creature, Okita named oni, attacked. It's spear slashed through the night air, like a flash of moonlight. Okita stopped the blow, though he shouldn't feel surprised when it threw him backwards. He smirked, it would be a challenging battle for sure. Oni's eyes flashed in fury as another blow came.

Okita felt a sting in his shoulder, and before he could realize what it was, the spear slashed right before his eyes. Two enemies surrounded him, one he didn't know where it hid. He felt drops of blood running down his left arm, but he didn't dare to break his stance. He jumped and swung his katana at the oni before him. The demon growled and blocked his sword, and Okita felt another sting, this time his knee gave out and he fell.

Pushing himself up, Okita dodged another blow form the Oni. Where was the other enemy? He tried to spot him, but in the inking black darkness, his eyes were useless. His ears only detected one growling beast before him, rustle of the branches.

He hid behind a tree, watched and when the opportunity came - and before the creature could realize what was happening - he cut off his head. Okita didn't allow himself to take a breath of relief, another yokai was lurking in the dark.

He felt presence beside him. He slashed the air, cutting nothing. Something shook in the bushes surrounding the temple, and Okita waited for the attack. It never came, instead of the trees flew a flock of crows. For a second he saw enormous, human like birds on the branches, but when he blinked all he could see was black birds on the moonlit sky.



Sound of Heartstrings is a time travel story, where Okita is the one who travells 150 years into the future. I was definitely inspired by many of japanese dramas, most notably Samurai Sensei with such a time travel concept. Also since Hakuouki introduced Oni to the world, I wanted to dig more into japanese mythology and folk stories. So you can expect plot filled with demons. 

I have lots of fun. Hope you can check this story out as well. 

Also for any Harada lovers like me, take a look at "Twilight Zone". A reader insert focused on Harada.

Thank you all <3

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