“Well, see you at Hogwarts, if you are going there that is,” he said and started to walk off.

                “Hey, wait,” I said catching up with him. “You’re going to Hogwarts too? What year are you? I’m year one. What do you know about the place? From what I heard it’s awesome, but the exams are hard. Are you the type to study a lot or not?”

                Esca gave me a sideways glance. “What’s with all the questions? Just a second ago you didn’t want anything to do with me. What’s with the sudden change?”

                I shrugged. “I don’t know, just felt like you might be someone nice to talk to suddenly.”

                “Well okay then,” he said putting his hands in his pockets and smiling a little. “Yes, I am going to Hogwarts. It will be my second year, and the place is amazing. It’s the best place on earth. The exams are awful, but I mange. I am the type to study, but only ‘cause I usually have nothing better to do. Was that all your questions?”

                “Yea, pretty much, but I have a few new ones.”


                “What house are you in?”

                “Gryffindor,” he said. “Those two guys you were with, were the Weasley twins right? They are always getting themselves in trouble. They are in Gryffindor also if you didn’t know.”

                I smiled. “Yes, they do get themselves in trouble a lot. I guess it’s just who they are.”

                Esca showed me all the best shops to buy my things. He gave me a lot of advice on what to get and what not to get. Pretty quickly I had almost everything or at least a clear idea of where to look. Also, my parents wanted me to get an owl, so I could communicate with them while I was at school. Esca just got what he needed and then just walked around with me as a gapped at everything I saw. Whenever I had a question he usually knew the answer.

                “How do you know so much about everything here?” I asked as we walked out of the caldron shop.

                “Whenever my parents want to go out or something they drop me off here and I spend the day walking around and going into different shops and such. I have been all through these shops many times,” he said with a shrug.

                “I’m sorry,” I said looking at him sadly. His aura was odd. Or I should say his lack of one. I could feel no aura coming off him, no emotions, nothing. Why couldn’t I feel anything? It troubled me. This was the first time I ever got nothing from someone.

                “Don’t be,” he said. “It’s fine. I got to meet you because of it.” He smiled softly. “Sorry I like, stalked you earlier.”

My Best Friend George Weasley ~ Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now