Just Dance 2016

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For the Just Dance videos, you can go look them up in YouTube.

(David's POV)
As Clara finishes up the pile of song titles, I look at Lui. "What song do you hope to get?" "Oh, I don't really care. As long as it isn't excruciatingly difficult, I'm okay with anything." "I hope we get a romantic song" I blush lightly at the thought. Clara hands me the hat. "One of you pick a song, the other start recording." I take the hat and hold it out to Lui. You can chose first." He pulls out a slip and starts laughing. He shows it to Clara and she joins in on laughing as well. "Well, what song is it?" Lui shows me the slip of paper. I'm an albatraoz, by AronChupa oh boy, this will be great content for my video. I start laughing as well. Evan and Johnathan come back into the room each with their things. "So, what song did you guys pick?" Evan looks at me. I take the paper from Lui and show him and Johnathan. They laugh, causing us all to laugh together. Max wipes a tear from his eye. "Okay, let's start dancing!" Lui takes a deep breath, the hoovers his hand in front of the sensors and selects the song. We both choose the lady on the screen and start dancing.

~time skip cause I'm lazy~

When the dance ends, the both of us are out of breath. "And the winner is...." Clara begins. "Me!" Lui jumps in the air. I just accept my defeat and laugh at him. He truly is cute. Clara catches me staring at him and smirks. "What, you want to go next?" I smirk back at her. She shys away but Max pulls her up. "Come on! You use to be so good at it when we were younger!" Clara just groans. "Fine. I get to pick the song though." She raises her hand like Lui had done earlier and scrolls through the playlist. When she puts her hand on her hip and turns around, I listen to the song that she selected. I Gotta Feelin' by the Black Eyed Peas. "Nice choice." Evan mentions. "You ready Max?" He nods and the dance begins.

(Max's POV)

I remember the good ol days, when Clara and I would spend hours together playing Just Dance. If we didn't own one of the games, she would go in her room with the door closed and practice. To this day, no one knows about it. Yet they wonder how she stays in shape because she doesn't really exercise. When the first movement comes into play, we both instantly focus on the dance routine, completely forgetting the fact that we're being watched, hell, even recorded! Our bodies move in sync, except when we have separate parts. Clara even starts to sing along while dancing. When the golden part comes up and strikes, we snap our head towards each other and laugh. The song resumes the dance motions and we get back to dancing. The music flows through our bodies and when the song ends, neither of us are panting or gasping for air. We both just hold our pose for a little long, relax, then sit down. Johnathan, Evan, David and Lui, all just stare at us as if they had just seen something mythical. "What? Shocked that we can do better than you'll ever do in your life?" Clara asks with a smirk. I just laugh loudly. I hold up my hand for a high five and she meets me halfway. "That's definitely going in the video..." Johnathan mumbles. "I agree." David whispers. The screen shows that Clara had won. I just roll my eyes and take the hat full of song titles. "Johnathan, Evan, your turn." I hold out the hat in their direction. They look at each other, and shrug. Johnathan, being the closest, picks out a paper and laughs. He shows Evan the paper and he laughs as well. David takes the slip and reads it. He passes it to Lui as he joins in on the laughter. When Lui hands me the paper, written on it is Uptown Funk, by Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars. I give the slip to Clara with a smirk. When she hands it back, she returns my smirk with one of her own.

(Clara POV)

So, Evan and Johnathan, and David and Lui. I ship them, so what would their ship name be? Hmm. I know Evan and Lui both have YouTube channels so; Dathidenogla x LuiCalibre and VanossGaming x H2ODelirious.
I don't know, I'll figure it out later.

(Evan's POV)

Oh boy, here we go. I'm not very good at dancing, but this should be easy, right? The song starts easy, just simple arm and leg movements. Suddenly, the difficulty increases and in struggling to keep up. I look over to my right at Johnathan and see that he's having no trouble. Eyes glued to the screen, his mask moving ever so slightly with each direction change his body takes. My eyes slowly travel down to his ass. My god he has a nice ass. I shake my head from the thought and focus back on the dance routine.

~time skip to after the dance ends~

I put my hands on my heart as I take deep breaths, trying to calm down my heart. I look the the screen and wait for the game to calculate who won. When it said Johnathan, he just laughed and smiled.

(Clara's POV)

"Okay, so me, Lui, and Johnathan all do a solo song to see who gets first, second, and third. Who's gonna go first?" "I will, I wanna get this over with." Lui says while getting up. David moves to his seat while Johnathan and Evan sit next to me. Max holds out the hat to Lui and he picks a slip. He swirls his around in the hat, mixing up the papers, and picks. Max then holds the hat towards Johnathan and does the same. The hat comes in my direction and I reach in. There's many options to choose from and I hope that I get one that doesn't require a lot of energy or talent. I grab a slip and read it. Oh no...

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