Seasons and Games

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(Evan's POV)
When I asked if everyone wanted to come to my house, all I got was many versions of yes. "Let me tell our mom first though" Clara tells the group. As she pulls out her phone, Johnathan leans over to me and whispers, "So how long have you known Max and Clara?" "Since the end of freshman college year. I met Max first then Clara." Johnathan hums a reply. "She's fine with it because she's comfortable with me being with you and Lui." I nod towards her. "Let's go play some video games!" Max cheers. "I bet I'll beat you in majority of the games we play." David challenges. "While you guys are fighting, I'll just take the crown!" Lui runs off.

(Clara's POV)
While Max and David chase after Lui, Johnathan, Evan and I laugh at their childish behavior. "I'll go catch up so they don't break into my house." Evan walks away, leaving Johnathan and I alone. I look at him with a serious face. "Johnathan, do know about the seasonal mothers?" I can see his eyes shine like the sun. "Yeah I do. Are you a descendant like me?" I nod. "What season?" "Winter. I have a snowflake tattoo in between my shoulder blades. It's also why my hair has some light blue streaks in it. What season are you?" Johnathan smiles. "Summer baby! My eyes are the color of the ocean, and I love to be in the sun. There's a sun tattoo on my back and some waves across my collarbone." He pulls down the front of his shirt, low enough for me to see. "Is your brother affected by the magic?" I look in the direction everyone had gone. "Yeah, like I said earlier, we're twins so the magical responsibility is split between us. He controls the temperature and the winds while I focus on the beauty part." "So you and Max never get cold during your season?" Johnathan asks. "Yeah, it helps."


I ran down the stairs with Max not too far behind. It had snowed the previous night and we wanted to build a snowman like we do even year. Our excitement distracted us to forget to put on any of our garments to keep us warm. When our mother had ran to see what was going on, she saw us outside in the snow, only in our fuzzy boots and pajamas, laughing as we played. She only smiled at our actions but soon said, "Clara, Max! Come inside and put on your coats and hats, I don't want you guys getting sick!" We groaned in sync and stumbled our way to the door. While our mom was putting on Max's coat, I told her, "I'm not cold! Plus, my hands aren't even turning red!" I stick out my hands to show her, but a little snowflake floats upward from my palm. I freaked out a little bit while Max just stared at me. He stuck out his hands to show mom and the same thing happened. We both looked at each other, and then at our mom wanting an explanation. She only sighed, took off Max's coat, and ushered us into our living room. We both sat down on our chairs, eyes barely being able to see her, and waited. Our mom had a soft look in her eye, and started talking. "You and your brother are unique, no doubt, but your uniqueness holds a responsibility. I am my generation's winter helper, and as you get older,  that title will be passed on to you both. Due to the fact that you are twins, the responsibility behind that title will be split between you two. You will learn how to change the atmosphere around the world from fall to winter, how to make it snow over night, and of course  how to prepare for spring."

~normal time~

"After our mom finished teaching us everything we knew, she sent us off to college." I look at Johnathan. "How old were you both when that hapoened?" I realize we were in front of Evan's house. "I was only nine, so I was pretty young. Anyways, ready to get your butt kicked at video games?" He laughs his famous laugh. "You're the one whose getting their butt kicked! I'm never gonna lose to you!" We both laugh as we run into Evan's house and into his family room. "Hey you two, what took so long?" Evan asks while pausing the game that they were currently playing." "Just talking." I stay quiet. "Oh yeah? About what?" Evan puts on a sly face. "Seasons." I can tell that everyone has some sort of relationship because they all tense up. Evan's face turns to a straight face. Feeling the tension rise, I try to break it. "So who's currently in first place?" I walk over to the Xbox and sit between Max and Lui. Lui points to the leaderboard. "I should've been in first place, but Max keeps getting lucky sniper shots." He says with a pout. Max just laughs at him. "No, you're just bad!" All three of us laugh together. David walks in from another room with a game in his hand. "Hey guys, I got a game that we could do a tournament on." He holds up the game disc and we all laugh. "Just Dance 2016, really?" Johnathan somehow says in between laughs. "Yeah, I think I would beat you all at this!" Determination shows on his face as Lui crawls over to the Xbox and takes out Black Ops. I sit on couch with Evan and Johnathan beside me. Max sits in front of me so I play with his hair. Lui and David stand next to each other in front of the Xbox. I lean over to Max and whisper, "I ship it." He just looks at me with an 'are you serious' look. I laugh and lean back. Johnathan scoots away from me and closer to Evan. "I ship them too." When the game finishes loading, David pulls out a hat. "Can you guys write all of the names of the songs? I wanna record this for YouTube." As I start writing down the names, Johnathan runs off to get his mask and Evan and Lui run off to get their cameras. "You guys are okay with us recording you and posting it on YouTube, right?" I nod my head. "Yeah, I'm okay with it." Max agrees.

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