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He sighs deeply, his whole form flows with the movement. His hands, buried deep within his golden hair, clench and pull the strands tight, he tugs n them and grunts lowly in frustration. Fear crawls back in to my brain as he shows his anger I pull up the covers and begin to quiver again. He sighs again and releases his hair and lets his body relax, he turns swiftly to look at me and notices my fear. He curses under his breath, realising that he had scared me back and must coax me into a stable, safe mind again.

He reaches for me and I back away like a mouse from a fox, I watch his hand as it draws nearer and continue to try to move away although I am already at the headboard of the bed. Fear has its claws embedded into my mind again, consuming my thoughts. His eyes cloud, noticing my distress, he backs away.

"Sorry," he speaks, his voice a deep, honeyed baritone, "I didn't mean to scare you." As he speaks I almost instinctively lower the sheet, nearly stretching myself closer to him to hear more of his rich, rumbling voice.

His eyes brighten noticing this and he begins to speak more, he tells me stories of the gods and people and times he was happy, although I do not pay much attention as I am more engrossed in letting his husky, smoky voice wash over me. It calms me in a way that nothing else has ever been able to.

My eyes begin to wander down the tall frame of this god, drinking in every inch. His golden hair glint in the sunlight that streams in from the window, it falls curling slightly down past his shoulders. They follow the slight crookedness of his nose, admiring his bone structure as they pass: high cheekbones, a strong nose and a jawline so sharp it looks deadly. They focus on his plump lips, tracing the curve of his smile as he recounts a memory, imprinting that look of happiness in my mind I vow to make that expression appear more – hold on a second All, what on Earth was that, you are not going there, I think to myself but his deep, velvety laugh recaptures my attention and I am once again drawn into inspecting every curve, dip and sinew of his godly body. He has moved so he is leaning again one of the corner posts of the bed: one jean clad leg stretched out in front of him, the other bend at the knee with one arm supported on it, the other well defined arm rests behind his head. I trail my eyes down his bronzed neck across his broad shoulders, focusing on the way the muscles flow under his shirt as he laughs. His shirt stretches over his chiselled chest, his chest is a vast expanse of muscle, my eyes glide further southward over abs that looked like they had been sculpted from marble. Continuing down his taut, jean clad thighs and calves and back up again, ingraining every detail into my brain. When I reach his eyes my breath catches, I had not paid enough attention to these beautiful creations earlier, his eyes were like the sea during a storm, striking but deadly, drawing you closer with every passing second: a mix of deep indigo, bright cobalt, stunning cerulean, thunder grey, turbulent steel and shocking silver, all mixed together into the most astounding mix with splashes of each colour running across his irises, I am enchanted.

I didn't even know he had stopped talking, so engrossing in studying his eyes had I been, until his was sat right in front of me and had gently tapped my shoulders. This brought me quickly out from under his magic spell.

His melodic voice once again reaches my ears "What is your name? For I, nor Cailey, nor Hermes know. Would you tell me please?"

I shake my head gesturing that I don't speak.

"Can you speak?"

I nod.

"Why – maybe that's a bit personal and too soon. Can I get you some paper for you to write on for me to see your answers?"

I nod and in a flash, he disappears.

Hi guys, I know I said I wouldn't be updating until after my mocks but I was so stressed and bored with revising that I gave myself a break and went on wattpad to see how everything was going and then got inspiration from absolutely nowhere - like I have completely frazzled my brain recently with revision - and I started writing. so think of this as a late Christmas/early new years present from me to you.

Love Isla-Beth xx

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