04⎮I Am Not Whipped

Start from the beginning

That video was supposed to be deleted.

"Nah dude. I used to be like that. I hate to break it to you idiots but situations change. People age and mature. Excuse me if your brain capacity continues to host the mind of a horny fifteen year old virgin," I shrugged, earning a few laughs from a couple of the guys. "The point is, you shouldn't be talking about her like that." Besides the distasteful stares from Kevin, all the other guys continued to laugh hysterically and for a moment I laughed too. I was happy that I wasn't that way anymore. If I were to have a daughter and overheard some jerks saying how they'd take her from behind or how nice her tits were, I'd personally stomp their face in.

Situations changed because it was necessary for them to. If Brooke or anyone else for that matter got ahold of that video, the news would implode my marriage. That wasn't an option.

"Damn man," Marcus laughed. "I hate to say it but dude, you have officially been whipped. Marriage has changed you."

I shoved a fry in my mouth and genuinely laughed for the first time during this conversation. He was an idiot, they all were.

"First off, respecting my wife and women in general enough to stand up to you douchebags objectifying them isn't whipped. It's called human decency. Which observing the facts looks like you missed that life lesson trying to maintain the brain function of a peanut. Secondly, Justin Bieber doesn't get whipped," I ended, popping the collar on my shirt.

Clearly they didn't know who they were talking to. I was the least whipped in this place. Not that it mattered what they thought of me. Maybe it did.

"Dude think about it. You're a twenty-five year old multi-millionaire pop star and you're about to give that up to have a kid because your wife is ready to settle down. You realize when you have a kid, your career will be over? Finito," he ended, sliding his hand across his neck. "They'll be some new guy the girls can obsess over and you my friend will be a thing of the past. What about what you want? You take days off of tour to go home because she needs to see you and then you're guilted into doing what she want. If that isn't the definition of whipped, I don't know what is."

I hated to admit it, but the point he was trying to make was starting to make sense. It wasn't a secret that these guys were idiots, but the point was compelling. 

Fame waits for no man. If I were to take a break, in a few short months, I would be done. My career would be over and in the blink of an eye, I'd be working minimum wage stocking boxes in the back of a grocery store. Wondering why and how I managed to disappoint my family and screw up the only way I knew how to support them financially.

That wasn't my plan at all. I wouldn't do it. I shook my head and took a big bite out of my burger. If one thing was certain, my kids would have a financially stable family where that wouldn't have to want for a single thing.

"Okay, how do I prove to you pinheaded losers that I don't get whipped?" I questioned with food jammed in my mouth.

They eyed each other, exchanging ideas from a single glance. It would be something stupid that could be done and forgotten within the night coming to an end. As if on cue, they'd all nodded. Robbing a store, slapping some chicks ass, or even hooking up with someone was most likely what they'd decided on. 

"Only way to prove it is the big V," Kevin says smugly.


"You want me to get some vagina to prove to you I'm not whipped? That's nothing."

There was zero intentions of cheating on my wife. The easiest solution paying some random girl to tell them we had sex and then they would get off my back about this whole whipped situation.

"No, we mean vasectomy. The only way to prove to us you aren't whipped is to get a vasectomy. I mean it'd be perfect, you wouldn't be able to have kids, your career wouldn't be over, it's the only way to prove. Oh and under one condition, we all go with you to the doctors office, and one of us sits in with you to make sure you follow through," Kevin said.

It would be a lie if I said that it didn't startle me, though I hid it with a fake smile and nodded my head in approval, all the while my blood boiled on the inside.

"Let's do it," I said, taking one last big bite of my burger and standing up from my seat.

We paid for our food and left.The most important thing was making it to the clinic without being spotted by a paparazzi. 

It wasn't hard finding a clinician that could do the procedure right now. It was a quick procedure and the best thing about it was that it had to be confidential.

"What makes you wanna get a vasectomy so early?" The doctor questioned, leading me to the room. 

"Yeah, are you sure you really wanna do this, Justin?" Marcus asked genuinely concerned. "You don't have to do it."

"I'm on tour and I find myself wanting to hook up with every female I see. I'd rather have this done so I don't accidentally knock someone up. This way I know for sure that if someone accuses me of being the father to their child, I'll know it's bologna."

He glances over to me and gives me a half nod. I watched as he sterilized his equipment. Marcus lingering in the corner updating the guys on what was happening at the moment on his phone. Brooke couldn't know about this because it would crush her too much. I wanted this baby, but I wanted my career more. Brooke and I were enough. We had to be enough. Maybe we didn't have to have a kid. The both of us would still be able to be happy.

After sitting there for a while, the doctor finally finished up and gave me all the information I needed to know. It was good our next show wasn't three days after tonight, so I could get the rest that I needed.

I stood up from the chair and shrugged my shoulders at him, the anesthesia still wearing down. Marcus grabbed ahold of my arm to stable my wariness. 

"Dude. I get the guys were being dicks, but seriously?" He paused. "You already know how much having this child means to Brooke. What will she say when she finds out?" 

Marcus slowly walked me out to the lobby. "I figure its better to ask for her forgiveness rather her permission."

He didn't say anything in response while leading me back out to the lobby where everyone else had been.

"He did it." Marcus said simply, disappointment slipping out as well. 

It was my choice. As for the other guys, they stood there silent. Shock catching their tongues. Shock finally settling into my mind as well.



Shook that he actually went through with it. Idiot!!!!!

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