Chapter 17

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Amanda would've walked right into Eliz, but she had fast reflexes.

"Hello," Eliz said sharply.

"Hello yourself," Amanda retorted.

"Eliz!" Alabaster said. He saw a mess of shaggy black hair behind him. "And Mitch! Whoa, fancy meeting you guys."

"We came on purpose," Eliz said pointedly.

"Oh," Alabaster said, aware of how awkward the situation had just become. He shifted from foot to foot uneasily, trying to think of what to say. "Well, that's cool," he finally managed.

"Who's she?" Eliz demanded, gesturing at Amanda with her head.

"Uh," Alabaster began. "That's, I mean, this is my uh," he wasn't sure what to call her. "Friend," he finished.

"I've never seen her before," Eliz said. "Have you seen her before, Mitch?"

"Uh-" Mitch began, but was cut off.

"He hasn't seen her before either!" Eliz exclaimed.

"Ah," Amanda said. "These are the so-called friends you were talking about, Alabaster. Mitch and Eliz the ultra-jerk."

Eliz's face went red. "Who the heck do you think you are?" she demanded.

"Someone better than you," Amanda calmly replied.

Eliz sneered. "You? You're just a Afcan. A stupid, worthless Afcan."

"Hey," Alabaster said. "That's enough. Eliz, why can't you be nice?"

Amanda snorted. "Because she isn't capable of it. Come on, Alley, we'd better be going."

Eliz laughed at her. "She orders you around like a puppy dog? Really, Alabaster. That's low. I always knew you were on the weak side, but letting an Afcan dictate to you? We keep your kind as slaves, you know," she said to Amanda. "That's all your good for, slave work."

Amanda snorted punched her square in the nose. Eliz stumbled backwards, but caught herself quickly and charged the Afcan. Amanda dodged to the side, used a little bit of free magic, hit Eliz with a strong breeze from the side and knocked the girl into the canal. There was a loud, very satisfying splash.

Mitch and Alabaster gawked. Eliz came up spewing water, face red as spaghetti sauce. "You little jerk!" she yelled.

Amanda smiled and smacked her in the face with another wind blast. Eliz went down again.

Mitch let out a yelp and raced away. Alabaster called out after him. "Mitch, wait!" But he didn't look back once. Alabaster's shoulder's sagged and he walked back over to the pier's edge.

Eliz was swimming to the other side. She was not happy. She was furious.

"If you think you can save yourself with a stupid Afcan, you're sorely mistaken!" she said. "Shylock's going to get your arm, and you'll have no one to blame but your stupid self."

"Shut up or I'll dunk you again!" Amanda yelled.

Eliz hurriedly pulled herself up onto the dock. "You're a freak!" she said and ran off.

"You have awesome friends," Amanda said.

Alabaster thought he might cry. Why did Eliz have to be so mean? Why wouldn't Mitch stay? Why had he ever been friends with them in the first place? And why didn't they stick up for him? Was he that unlikable that no one wanted to be his friend.

Amanda punched his shoulder lightly. "Hey," she said. "Let's go prove them wrong."

"Yeah," Alabaster muttered halfheartedly.

"Hey," she said. "I've got super epic cool disguises we can wear too. This is going to be a blast."

Alabaster sighed and joined her in the boat. He hoped this worked out. It had to, because otherwise Eliz would be right. 

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