Chapter 7

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Alabaster was making arrangements to leave. He had to tell his uncle about so he had. His uncle gave him a strange look and then proceeded to go out and get drunk. Which didn't make much sense to the boy, but then again, his uncle did tend to be strange.

Mitch had come to see him, teary eyed and apologetic, but there was nothing he could do because Eliz ruled the group with an iron fist and what she said was law.

He wished Alabaster luck on going to Afca. Alabaster thanked him and let him out.

Mitch didn't look back. Alabaster hadn't expected him to. Some friend. How had he managed to hang with such crappy people in the first place? It wasn't like he liked them, but somehow all his friends were them. Well, all his used-to-be friends since he didn't appear to have any anymore.

He grabbed his pack from the top of his step, and swung it across his back. Glub stared at him with mournful eyes.

"It'll just be for a few days," Alabaster promised. "In the mean time, you can do whatever you want."

Glub still didn't look happy though, which made Alabaster uneasy as they chugged along toward the harbor. He was going to get on a big ship. Glub wouldn't be able to take him across the ocean sadly. Alabaster would have welcomed someone familiar.

He fingered the card in his now healed hands. Aman. Magician of all trades. He wondered what he looked like. Probably a dark skinned man with even darker hair. Middle-aged with black eyes and muscular arms. Probably had a deep voice and a marking that covered his whole body.

Alabaster shivered. He wondered just what the test would be. He wondered if he did stand a chance of passing it. Magdalene thought so, and the thought was comforting, but only slightly.

Glub made a high-pitched squeak. Alabaster turned to look at him, and therefore didn't see Shylock jump into the boat. He did feel the impact and turned immediately.

Shylock grinned down at him. "I heard you lost," he said.

Alabaster glared. "Get out of my boat, Shylock."

The boy just snorted. "I want my arm, Alice."

"You already have both your arms, idiot," Alabaster said. "Now get out of my boat."

Shylock's face darkened. "I want my arm," he said. "It's mine by right, so get out now. We're going to the butcher's."

"The agreement was the end of the week," Alabaster said. "I still have three days."

Shylock laughed. "You really think you still have a shot at the sword?"

"Get out of my boat," Alabaster demanded. "In three days, I'm taking you to court, and in the mean time, I get to keep my arm."

Shylock gritted his teeth. "You'll lose," he spat.

"We'll see," Alabaster replied.

Shylock stepped onto the peer. "Yes," he said. "We'll see."

Alabaster took a deep breath as soon as the jerk was out of view. The nerve of that guy just stepping into his boat uninvited. He kicked the boards across from him. Shylock, what a jerk! Insisting that he get his arm when he could easily settle for some money instead. But oh no, that wouldn't do for him, would it? No, he must have an arm which would do him no good whatsoever. He'd probably feed it to the dogs. Or, Alabaster shuddered, leave it for the flies.

The docks were coming up now. Busy, lively things that smelled of salt and fish. Men and women bustled around, mostly men though. Woman weren't dumb enough to get hired for fishing jobs.

Alabaster stepped out of his boat and swallowed. This was it.

"Go back as fast as you can," Alabaster told Glub. "Don't let Shylock get ahold of you."

The sea horse nodded and, whirling his tail so fast that it was just a yellow blur, rocketed the vessel away.

Alabaster hoisted his pack and walked up to the nearest man who looked more important than average.

"Any boats headed for Afca?" he asked.

The man scratched his beard. "The Purpose, I think," he said. "If she's still in dock."

"Where's she at?" Alabaster asked anxiously.

The man pointed and Alabaster took off at a run. There was a ship, a big one, just getting ready to leave. They were about to lift up the drawbridge.

"Wait!" Alabaster yelled. "Are you the Purpose?"

One of the crew rolled his eyes. "I ain't; the ship is."

"Uh," Alabaster said. "Can I come aboard?"

"We're leaving, laddie," the man said. "What do you want?"

"Passage to Afca," Alabaster said.

The man sighed deeply. "Got money?" he asked.

"Yes," Alabaster said. What a stupid question. Like he'd ask someone to take him without paying.

"Fine," the man said, and the crew lowered the drawbridge again for Alabaster to run up.

"Pay now," the man said. "One hundred plats."

Alabaster handed the money over.

The man raised his eyebrows as if he hadn't expected Alabaster to have that much. He pocketed it and walked away without saying another word.

Alabaster stood on the deck feeling a little confused. The crew rushed around him, getting the ship ready to sail. Whistles were blown. Sails were lowered, and the wind caught them. The ship shuddered for a moment before coming to life. Alabaster looked back at the docks behind him.

Shylock was staring angrily at him. Alabaster realized that he must be thinking that he was trying to escape. Of course, that's what Shylock would have done if someone was trying to get his arm. Alabaster wasn't a coward though.

He turned away from Shylock and faced the sea. Aman was going to help him. He had to. 

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