My job as Teacher

Start from the beginning

"I'll be waiting..." She pulled away, her arms shifting over to wrap around his torso. "...for you, Ikuto..."

Her voice was barely above a whisper but Ikuto heard her anyway, and smiled reassuringly at rosette. His lips curved up when he replied, "I will be back, very soon, Mrs Tsukiyomi,"

Amu could only smile back at him with all her grace, albeit shyly. Both chuckled to themselves, happy and comfortable in their embrace.

"Uh... I don't want to ruin the moment, but I think it is time that we leave, Sir." A rough voice piped in, sounding amused and urgent at the same time. The couple flinched in surprised and looked over to the driver who smiled warmly at them. His cheeks were tinted red in embarrassment, but he looked to be touched at their display of affection.

"O-oh yes..." Ikuto pulled away, reluctantly and slowly, from Amu's hold and shot her a apologetic look. He nodded to the driver who busied himself in starting the engine. Ikuto's luggage had been placed neatly at the back seat.

"Good luck..." Amu waved at him weakly, with a smile that was as weak as it could be at most. Ikuto didn't return her smile nor did he said a word, he only pulled her in his arms for the briefest of moments. He never looked at her when he pulled away or when he got in the taxi. He only met her eyes, for a second, when the taxi drove away.

He could have sworn that he heard his heart breaking into pieces there and then when she smiled at him, for last.

•  •  •

The sound of heels clicked loudly on the tiled floor when a women, who had the word "Nervous" painted on her forehead, walked down the hallway. The rose haired female only stopped when she spotted the older women, who was sitting across the counter, quite possibly the receptionist she had been looking for all this time.

Amu breathed a sigh of relief. She always avoided huge buildings and crowded areas, it always made her feel nauseous. Being a countryside girl she was, she wasn't very used to city stuff. Only luxury that she enjoyed in city was going to bar where she is provided her most favorite drink in the world, Pinacola. It was that and nothing else.

Speaking of which, Amu was currently in the said 'Seiyo Academy' that Utau referred to her. It had amazing infrastructure, resembling that one of a huge church or even better, a castle. Ikuto wasn't kidding when he said it was one of the grandest schools in the city, however he also mentioned something about the school being more awkward than rest. She never understood the meaning behind his words.

After Ikuto left, she had spared hour to bawl her eyes in helplessness and insecurity and all of her messed up feelings. To make matters worse, Ikuto never said a word – not even a 'take care' when he left. All she wanted was to lessen the burden on her shoulders by crying her heart out. However she remembered that she was needed to get ready for the first day at school so she had no choice but to postpone rest of the wailing-program for night.

Amu glanced at her wristwatch. It read 9:47am. Amu was told to come by 10, so she wasn't running late, she couldn't be more relieved.

Exhaling, she calmed her nerves down and slowly walked to the counter.

"Uhm...excuse me, Madam... I..." Amu tried to grab attention of the older women but the receptionist was very busy with her phone to even look at the rosette, Amu guessed she was messaging someone extremely important as she had been the tapping the screen at the speed of bullet train, wearing a smile that rivalled the excitement of an 16 year old lovestruck girl.

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