Chapter Three

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It's another wretchedly cold morning.

The snow has been washed away by the rain that fell last night but has left it's chilly disposition behind. Definite long coat, scarf and boots weather- all in grey and black to sum up my mood and the weather, though everyone else in London seems to have done the same thing.

I don't usually walk to work but my car is still by the pub waiting to be picked up and I need all the time I can get to figure out what to say. It's strange. I'm so used to only having my opinion to respect but somehow Miles is different. I once again mentally applaud how screwed on his head is. I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't taken over.

After booking the ticket last night, I pulled out the box of letters Adriana had written me and Miles made us another cup of tea. We spent a few hours on the couch reading and laughing, trying not to cry over them, before I fell asleep.

I then woke the next morning, feeling guilty at seeing my house tidied, a blanket over me and a note from Miles telling me to come see him after talking to my boss for a free coffee.

I did tell him he didn't have to hang around while I wallowed but he shrugged it off as though he'd have none of it. I may owe him something.


I arrive at work late, which is the end result of waking, showering and leaving late.

Arriving mid-morning doesn't bother people as I'm usually off doing something else for work before I come in anyway. I open the doors to see everyone there either talking on the phone, cursing at a computer or frowning over paperwork. The nightmare of work and the stress it brings swallows me up immediately making the pit of my stomach ache with dread. I'm not used to waltzing in here with somebody else's plans and confidence in my mind.

I step into my office where my receptionist is frowning thoughtfully into the computer. I keep her in here with me, otherwise, Richard steals her to be his slave. I hand picked and trained her, so I should take it as a compliment.

"Morning Tina," I mumble throwing my bag next to my desk.

"There you are..." she sighs. I look at the small girl strangely. She isn't usually policing my comings and goings. "Where 'ave you been?"

"Why?" I ask starting to clean my desk. It may only be something small to control but it's something. She waves her arms around as though I should know.

"Uhhh, Terry and Fran...ring any bells?"

I drop my head in my hands with a groan.

"Oh, crap!"

"Yes 'oh crap'. You said you'd pop in at eight thirty and its..." she looks at her watch. "twenty past nine. You never forget appointments and your phone is off..."

"Oh yeah," I remember keeping my head buried and closing my eyes. I'm so shattered from last night, I forgot all about it. I stand up and brush my hair out of my face.

"I got a call from the Hospital over in Hobart last night."

Tina curses, cringing in guilt.

"Is she okay?"

"No." I sigh, rubbing my head "She passed away and I've been trying to figure out what to do all night and all morning."

She curses again, starting to wave her arms around again.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't 'ave yelled. It was just so unlike you and...are you okay?" She comes over and gives me a hug which I flinch at. I think the last time I was hugged was six months ago by a very grateful customer after a glass of bubbles. I tap her back tentatively, deciding I still don't like hugs.

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