Chapter 12

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I slump in the couch, phone to ear and envelope in hand wondering if this really has to be done right this very second. Miles and I have been having such a nice chat, talking about everything and nothing for the last half hour and I had a perfectly good day yesterday in the garden and spending time with Alyssa. Do I really want to screw up all that loveliness with a letter from Adriana?

"Miles..." I sigh into the phone after a long pause. "Does this really have to be done right this very second? I had a perfectly good day yesterday in the garden and spending time with..."

"Nina..." Miles interrupts gently. Too gently if you ask me. Does this man never raise his voice? "It's only a letter. What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know. That this will be that letter I've been dreading, you know?"

"No I don't, sorry."

"What if this is the letter that tells me my parents were horrible to her and pretended she didn't exist for no reason?" I rub my forehead, looking at the envelope shaking in my hand.

"Then I'm here and we can talk it through. We will figure it out Nina I promise, whenever it is that it comes out. Trust me."

"Right. No, your right. I'm overreacting. Okay." I sit up in the couch, fold my legs and put the phone on speaker. This has to be done and dammit! I am going to be grown up about it.

"Still there?"

"Yes. Go on." he urges gently. Right, here goes.

To my dear sister, Nina.

I won't say goodbye, don't worry. This is a letter of the official kind. I know I have left everything to you but there are a few things in my house I have mentally set aside for certain people and I'd like you to be in charge of dispersing them. You're a very efficient person so I know I can trust you.

In my wardrobe, I have a large variety of silk scarves. Give them out to Alyssa, Lauren, Taffy and yourself and anyone else who you feel needs them.

My shoes must be given to Taffy. Her and I are the same size and she always coveted my heels so give them to her.

The rest of my clothes are yours. As sisters I always had this sneaky suspicion that we would always be pinching each others clothes growing up. Do what you want with it all but my coats are my babies and I love them dearly. I know for certain that being a London girl, you can never have enough coats and jackets so If you're going to keep anything, make it them. Every time you put one on, imagine it's a hug from me. Same goes for the jewelry. Let the girls have a rummage through.

In the spare room, where my coats will be found, is a large oak cupboard. Please give this to Joe. He won't admit it but he's been eyeing up that cupboard for years so hand it on to him to work his magic on.

My car, if you don't want it, is to be donated to a cause you think is worthy. Barnaby must continue charity work without me.

Finally, and this one is important, in the front yard is a rose. It's the one right by the letter-box and it is bright yellow when it blooms. If you sell the house, dig that rose up, re-pot it and give it to Charlie down at the butcher. It is very important to me that you do that.

Other than those few things, everything is yours to do as you please.

I love you dearly, my sister and wish we could have got to know each other better. I know though that you are kind and funny and you will always do me proud.

Lots of love, your sister and friend,

Adriana Merelize."

I look at the back of the piece of paper just in case there's more but see nothing. "That's it."

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