No sleep

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(Time speed)
When the movie was over I went to my room to take a shower. I actually thought that she would probably find someone better than me at home or here. I'm scared someone else is going to take her heart from me. This is too good to be true I just know it. I don't know if this is real right now. I think she is going to play me. When I got out the shower I went to bed. After a while of trying I couldn't sleep.
I don't know if it's because I'm worried or just because my nervous system. So I just lay in the bed and try to go to sleep. After a while, it was five in the morning and I still could not even get a nap. I got up and walked on the balcony. I looked at the city's lights and the cars passing by. Then I thought about Justice and I snuck to her side of the balcony and I tried to open the door and it was unlocked so I went in. I seen her asleep back faced me. Her hair was down and curly on the pillow. Since the door was open the curtains by the door was blowing and it set the mood. I walked to her bed.
"Hey Jus?"
"Hmm?" She said half asleep.
"Can I sleep with you tonight."
"Mmmhmm." She said still half asleep. Then I got under the cover and and she rolled to her back and I layed down on her chest and rapped my arms around her waist and closed my eyes and listened to the pattern of her heartbeat.

(Justice pov)
When he layed on my chest I could feel his heartbeat. And I know he could feel mine. I sensed that something was wrong with him. I started to run my fingers through his hair and mess with it. As I ran my fingers through his hair I could feel his heart skip beats. Even his breathing pattern changed in the time.
"Dre what's wrong."
"I can't sleep."
"Why can't you?"
"Cause I'm scared."
"Scared of what?"
"Scared of losing you."
"Dre your not going to lose me."
"I might;you will probably find someone better. And when you get the person of your dreams it's too good to be true. And they will find someone else. And I will be here alone, with out my baby girl."
"Dre I promise you;you will not loose me and no one will take me away. I am going to stay by your side."
"What if I'm not good enough?"
"Trust me if you we're not good enough for me I wouldn't have kissed you yesterday or led you on or even let you lay on my chest like you are now."
"So you really do like me?"
"Of course; you've been trying to get me since we were kids we are about to be adults: you got me and now I am here to stay."

(Dre's pov)
Once I herd that I felt so much better. I knew now that this was real and I could sleep. And her fingers in my hair calmed me. And I could now go to bed and I fell asleep on her chest where I felt her heartbeat.

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