Gotta Blast!

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   As we pulled up they parked our car and we went to go get booked. When we were getting booked I sat in the waiting seat then Dre sat next to me.
"Hey let's be more nice to each other."
"Why you say that?"
"Because if your going to be my girl we got to get along."
"Andre we our not dating."
"Not yet anyway."
          I roll my eyes and get back on the phone until my parents told us to come on. Then we had to get checked for weapons none of us had one anyway. Then we got aboard the plane took our seats.
              The ride is 4 hours and 30 minutes. I'm by the window and again Dre is in the middle,he irritates me. And my brother is by the walkway and as we were taking off I put my pillow on my neck.
"Hey what do you want to do when we get there?"
"I don't know we'll figure it out."
"How bout you Jus?"
"I want to go to the beach."
"Good Idea I get to see you in a bikini."
"Dre don't you have anything better to do than get on my last nerve."
"Yeah but I like irritating you."
"Well it's working." I said looking at the clouds.
"*yawn* I'm tired." Dre said as he grab his cover and his pillow and lyed it on my lap and started to go to sleep. I was confused on why he thought he could do that. Then my brother looked at us and said.
"Um guys; is there something your not telling me?"
"Uh no not at all."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Corey I'm positive." I said as I tried to get Dre up but I couldn't do I left him there. Then I put my ear buds in and started to listen to pandora and I turned on the hip hop 2016 radio. And I dose off to sleep.

                   (Time speed)
     When I was woken up from the land I looked at Dre in my lap. He was still sleep like he didn't feel that thud from the freakin plane.
I tried to wake him up by shaking his shoulder.
"Dre wake up we landed."
"I'm still tired." He said a his slammed his face into the pillow in my lap like I wasn't under him.
"Boy. GET UP!" I said with a serious face. Then he lifted up and looked at my brother that had his ear buds in staring at us.
"What the hell are you looking at?"
"Yo stupid ass in the grey jacket."
Then Dre laughed and looked me up and down and said "mm" like he was trippin' or something. Then we got our bags out of the latch and stared to board off the plane.
"Did you guys have a good sleep?" My mom said looking at our tired faces. Then we didn't answer and she said "guess so." As she walked away.                When I was in the airport I could feel the waves calling my name. The good warm sand under my feet. The people passing in the Vinence Beach pass way. The ice cream man giving me a vanilla ice cream cone. I was ready for all of it and I was ready to see what the pent house would look like.

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