Chapter 2: The BEST Day Ever. Part 1

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I dreamt about some of the best things ever. One dream was about going on a dinner date with Cheyenne. Then another was about moving in with her. Basically, all of them were of her. 

Then i feel a soft, kind, push on my lips, and I wake up with Cheyenne on top of me, with her cold hands holding my face, and her body pushed up against mine. I kiss her back and we kiss and kiss, and kiss a little bit more. For what seems about hours, we finally calm down, and decide to go downstairs and eat breakfast.

We walk downstairs to see her mom sitting at the table and we instantly remember what her mom said about me sleeping in the basement. 

"So how did you guys sleep?"

"uh.. good, thanks Mrs. Lovell...... I'm really sorry, we were just cuddling and it was comfortable and we liked it, we didnt do anything..."

"Stop, its okay, I understand. I've been in y'alls situation before, you dont have to explain yourselves. However, I want to have a conversation with you later, Jordan, alone."

"We can now Mrs....."

"Alright, come here. And don't call me Mrs. Lovell, call me Carla."

I follow her into the next room, and she says "Look, you know Cheyenne's past. You know what she's been through. I know how she feels about you as well. I just need to know you won't hurt her."

When she brings up Cheyenne's past, i know exactly what she's talking about. Cheyenne went through... tough things earlier in her life, from physical abuse to sexual abuse, to self harm and a mental hospital all the way to bullying and contemplating suicide.

"The last thing I would ever do is hurt her. I care about her more than I do myself. I truly love her."

"Good, then I don't mind if you sleep in her room."

I stand there with my eyes wide open and surprised and say "Thank you, so much" And she walks away. 

I go back to Cheyenne and she goes "Oh god what did she say this time?"

"She's just looking out for you, making sure i won't hurt you. She also noted that I can stay in your room for the week." I say with a huge smile.

"REALLY??" she yells and screams "THANKS MOMMY I LOVE YOU" even though she can't hear a word she is saying.

"What do you want to do today baby?" she says to me.

"I think i have something planned..." I say with a sly smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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