Friends With Benefits

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"I was about to go into his room to get my charger, but I saw yall going at it."

I sighed. "I didn't mean for you to see that."

"Do you like him?"

"Yea. I do. But I'm not old enough to be with him yet."

"Mmmm. Yall would make a cute couple."

"You think so?"

"I know so sis."

I laughed.

For most of the day I spent it with Abby. We went to AppleBee's. Then we went and watched a movie.

We were just returning home. It was 5 in the afternoon.

"Go ahead and take your shower." I told her.

I took off my Nikes and slid on my Nike slides.

I heard music booming but I didn't know where it was coming from.

I walked up the stair case and looked in all of the rooms. I couldn't find Ace but I could still here the music.

I took my phone out my back pocket and called Ace.

"Yo?" He answered. I could here the music in the background.

"Where are you? Are you in the house?"



"Go into the living room. Then flip the red light switch on."

I went downstairs and into the living room. I did as told and flipped the light switch on. A couple minutes later a door opened. It led to a big ass room.

"What. The. Hell."

"Welcome to my man cave." Ace said and shut the door.

"Holy shit." I looked around. It was like another house.

It was little bathroom. And a mini kitchen. It had a TV and a couch. He turned the music down a bit and sat at a desk with a computer.

"Why do you have this?" I asked.

"It's where I chill. And can get away from the world." He said. "And look at my cameras."


He turned the TV on and showed me the cameras. I could see Abby in the kitchen getting a pop tart.

"Your always watching us?"

"Not always." He said putting a cigarette to his mouth. "Just when I feel suspicious."

"Why do you have cameras any ways?"

"Lauren. I'm a thug. A drug lord. I have people wanting me dead out here. I have to have security shawty."

I sighed. "I guess your right. But can you not have them on everyday."

"Fine. I will turn the ones in the house off. But leave the outside ones on."

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