Chapter 14

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     I woke up and stretched. Griffin looked like a mummy. Sharifa was leaning on his shoulder and they were both asleep, leaning against the tree. The moon was a waning cresent sitting in a diamond studded sky. I licked a paw and ran it over my face. It was best to let these two sleep while they had a chance. I dug the blanket from the bag that Griffin had brought and pulled it towards the two. I managed to get their feet covered easily, it was getting the blanket over thier shoulders that was difficult. Istarted by pulling one edge up to Sharifa's waist, then I went to the other side and did the same with Griffin. With the edge of the blanket in my mouth, I placed my paws on the tree next to Griffin's head and pulled until it was snuggly tucked under his shoulder. I repeated this method on Sharifa's side. She let out a little moan of contentmentand snuggled in closer to Griffin. I looked at my work with satisfaction before curling up in the small gap at their hips. I rested my head on Griffin's legs and stared up at the stars. I purred.

     We spent a whole night like this. It was as close to heaven as any of us would ever get on this earth. The world could throw it's worse at us but, as long as we had each other, the world was going to lose. The first light of dawn woke us. Griffin was up before Sharifa and he let her sleep a little longer as he packed up the left-over medical supplies. He was still weak. Some of the bandages had turned  brown-ish red from dried blood that had leaked through. He left Sharifa the blanket. He took an apple out of the bag and sat back down to eat.

     "Sorry I didn't have time to pack you anything, C-A-T. I'm sure you can find something."

     "Meow, mer-ow." I rolled my eyes and stalked away to find something to eat.

     I got back with a squirel still dangling from my mouth. They aren't my favorite, to stringy, but I had to make do with what I could find. Sharifa was up when I got back. The blanket had been put away, and she was nibbling on the other apple Griffin had brought.

      "So what do we do know?" Sharifa took another, small bite out of the apple.

     "I don't know. Last time something like this happened I faked my own death and moved to a different country. I've heard Peru is beautiful this time of year."

     Sharifa didn't sound amused. "This isn't a joke, Griffin."

     "You think I don't know that?" Griffin took a deep breath. And then he got excited. "I have a better idea; let's stay here."


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