Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry, what?" Sharifa had jumped in surprise at Griffin's arrival, but now she just sounded confused.


Griffin dashed around the lab hurriedly. "There's no time to explain; just grab what you need and get ready to leave. Oh! You'll need to lose the clothes."

Sharifa's hands went up defensively. "I will not!"

"You have too." Griffin flung open the door. "If we want to get away then we'll have to be as stealthy as possible."

There was a long pause before Sharifa finally spoke. "Fine, but you better turn around while I undress."

"We don't-"

"Then make time. This won't take long and I don't want you to see my..... undergarments."

Griffin sighed, but obliged. At least, I think he did.

"Did you turn around." Sharifa was already starting to undo her pants.

Griffin let out another exasperated sigh. "Yes."

Sharifa viciously tore of her clothes, muttering to herself the entire time. I joined Griffin at the door. He was tapping his foot impatiently. I looked around outside. I couldn't see anyone, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could hear voices coming from somewhere in the direction of the town. I looked towards Griffin skeptically. He had always been jumpy, but this behavior was edging on paranoia. I could sense his unease as time wore on.

"Well?" I could tell Griffin jumped when Sharifa's voice sounded next to him. "Are you ready to go, or what?"

" Finally. Let's go."

Bare feet left dents in the grass as the two made their way away from the town. I followed behind, making sure that no one was following us. My ears flicked around when I didn't hear anything else I stopped and said so.

"What are you crying about, C-A-T?" Griffin marched further ahead.

I rolled my eyes. " Meow, mrow." I wasn't whining; I was stating a fact.

To my surprise, Sharifa scooped me up into her arms. Well, she tried to; it took a few misses and close encounters before she actually got a firm hold on me. After she had me tucked securely in her arms, she jogged to catch back up with Griffin. Her walking was awkward, and uncertain. I remembered the feeling, this was the first time she was walking without being able to see where her legs were. I had the same problem when I had first been turned invisible. It's strange how much we depend on being able to see where we are going more than just feeling. It takes a lot of practice before one's body learns to adjust and adapt to new surroundings. I tried to give her encouragement but Griffin just shushed me again. I hissed but left it at that.

I liked being carried by Sharifa. She supported me with both arms and her skin was soft. She cradled me to make sure that her jerky movements wouldn't cause me the least amount of discomfort. When Griffin picked me up, he would just grab me in the middle and put me where he needed. I purred and rubbed my head against her bicep happily. That's when the mob showed up.

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