Chaper 10

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     Almer's face grew red with anger when no one moved. "What are you waiting for?"

     The entire mob looked at each other. I could see the fear etched on each one of thier faces and snikcered, which gave me an idea. I laughed. Seeing how none of them had ever heard a cat laugh before, they all jumped away in fear. Another spark of hope was beggining to grow in me; this might be our way out of this mess. Humans, they fear what the don't know or understand. This had helped my multiple times in life, I just hoped that now would be one of those times. The unease of the people was our advantage and I planned to take full advantage of it.

     Unfortunately, Almer kept talking. "Do not fear this creature's cries. Demons are the masters of lies. It will blur your mind with it's deception."

     That seemed to give the people courage. They moved in again. My fur stood on end, and I drew closer to Griffin. He wasn't strong enough to defend himself, which meant he definetly wasn't strong enough to get away. His body was so covered in blood that he almost looked visible again. A naked, defeated being who could do nothing but sit and wait for the inevitable. The horde drew in closer, holding their different tools defensively, ready to strike. I tried hissing again, but his time to no avail; Almer's words had done their job.

     Jack tried one more desperate plea. "I swear, there's no reason for you to kill me. I've been living in that house for over a year and I have never once done anything to you. If you would just look at the facts-"

     "Kill the abomination! Kill it, before it can bind you with it's tongue of lies."

      "If you would just listen to me." Griffin sounded weaker and weaker with every entreaty. The strength was fading from his body, and I could tell he had already given up any prospect of salvation. 

     There was no hope. We were surrounded, the townspeople were about to attack, and we were trapped. We had nothing to defend ourselves with. We had no where to go. Even if we had been able to get away, Griffin would too visible for us to get very far. Almer drew a large hunting knife from his belt and made his way towards Griffin. He grabbed Jack by the hair and pulled his head back. At first Griffin clawed at his attackers hands and tired to fight him of, but, in this state, he wouldn't have been able to swat away a fly. Almer put his knife to Griffin's throat and smiled. Griffin closed his eyes in surrender.

      I was about to do the same when I saw it. A floating log, just above Almer's head. The rest of mob stared in horror at the floating block of wood and began to back away again. I sniffed the air and smiled; Sharifa had pulled through.  

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