Chapter One: Children, Oh Children

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The little six year old squealed as she chased the white animal through the beautiful gardens of the kingdom, her loud giggles echoing throughout the vast yard. The white rabbit rapidly turned around, signaling the child to usher herself before rushing back to the metal fence near the forests with a young girl quickly in it's footsteps. 

"Bunny, slow down, please!" She begged softly. 

"The hurrier I go, the behinder I get." The white rabbit instantly replied, confusing the six year old's mind with such contemplative words. 

Her panting continued as she hurried after the small creature, following it away from her castle and near the forbidden forests where she had always longed to go, but never really could due to the tall fence separating her from everything she had ever dreamed of. 

But today was different, today she would attempt to jump the fence. The bluebell eyed girl's footsteps thundered as she sprinted as fast as her little legs possibly could with an undeniable amount of determination. 

She could see it. 

She was almost there. 


"Malice!" A voice shouted, grabbing her wrist and pulling her closer to them. 

"Adelston Hollick, let me go this instant!" The bluenette whined childishly, desperately attempting to pry her arm away from her best friend's strong grip, but in vain. Her gaze fell upon the rabbit once again, who made eye contact with her before passing through the bars of the fence and fleeing into the forest without ever looking back at her. 

"I sincerely hope you're pleased with yourself, the bunny has fled because of you." Malice pouted and crossed her arms childishly, turning away from the boy and dramatically stomping her foot out of frustration. 

"Pardon me princess, but I believe that you are very well aware that the forbidden forests are deeply restricted to the royals due to safety purposes. I highly doubt that your mother would make any exceptions for a puny little rabbit." The eight year old retorted smartly.  

"You mustn't tell my mother about this." Malice gasped. "I forbid you from doing so." She quickly added. "And I'll have you know that rabbits are very wise." Malice stuck her tongue out as she faced the blond again. 

Adelston smiled softly at her. 

Malice had such simple grace, such understated strength. She was the powerful that never announced itself but persuaded softly, as if the idea to agree was born organic in the minds of all those she encountered. She was always the one that people lined up to be led by; she was the suggestion she never needed to make. 

"I shan't tell if you do me the simplest favor." The blonde boy smirked. "Give me a kiss." He proposed flirtatiously. 

"With all due respect Adelston, have you gone mad?" Malice's bluebell eyes grew wide as a light blush crept on her face, which she hid instantly. 

"That depends, is being mad strange to you?" He inquired. 

"In all honesty, it is strange to me to be anything at all." The young girl shrugged. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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