Draco Malfoy

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  (Pretend Ron is not in the Gif.)
You wake up Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) morning. You walk down the stairs. Going into the living room, you see Draco sitting on the couch. He looks up at you and he smiles.
"YES! YOU'RE AWAKE! I CAN OPEN MY PRESENTS NOW!" He shouts, like a little kid. ^^^
You laugh as he jumps up and kneels in front of his presents, ripping them open.
"Love you, Draco." You laugh, walking over and kissing his cheek.
"I love you too, (Y/N)." He smiles, kissing you.
"I can't imagine what it will be like when we have a kid. You plus that kid both opening presents could equal bad news." You state.
"Yeah..." he laughs. "Wait...hey!!"
You chuckle and kneel next to him to open your presents up.  

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