She took a sip of her coffee. "Or what?"

I shoved her against the counter. "Or what? Do you really wanna' ask me that shit?"

"No. I'm sorry." She said.

I backed away from her. "That's what I thought."

I felt my phone vibrate which means I just received a text.

Darwin: you need to get down to the warehouse ASAP

Me: on my way.

"Stay here and watch the kids." I told Tisha.




I was at Benny's working. I know Ms. E told me I had the rest of the week off but I had nothing to do and I sure as hell wasn't gonna stay at that house with Tisha.

"Lauren go take that young man's order." Ms. Evelyn said while baking cornbread.

I grabbed a pen and my notepad and walked into the eating area.

"Good Afternoon Sir-"

"Wassup. Lauren right?"

I looked at the man and saw it was the same guy from the park.

"Yea. Uhhh... sorry I can't remember your name."


"Right." I smiled. I clicked my pen. "Can I take your order?"

"Oh I don't want anything to eat. I'm just waiting for a couple of friends."

"Oh okay. Well let me know if you need anything."

"Sure thing." He winked.

I smiled and walked behind the counter.

"What does he want baby?" Ms. E asked.

"Oh nothing. He's just waiting on some friends."

"Oh okay. I'm going to run to the corner store real quick. I'm low on sugar. Watch the restaurant for me dear."

"Yes ma'am."

I got a wash rag and ran it under the hot water. I started wiping down the greasy counters.

The bell went off indicating someone entered the restaurant. I looked up and saw a group of men walk in and head over to the table with Flex. It was about 5 of them. They each carried a black duffle bag.

I went and started wiping the tables trying to hear there conversation.

"Sup Flex." The guys sat down at the table. They all started whispering.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying. I sighed and started walking back to the kitchen.

"Aye lady. Can I get something to to drink?" One of the men said.

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