Chapter 7

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Hi guys. I know, I know. It has been a long time since I uploaded a chapter. To be honest I was waiting until Christmas to get a laptop to write with. I left off at an unbelievable part. Yes, I know. You mentally yelled at me for leaving it at such a bad part. Well here you go. I will try to update constantly, maybe even set up a day of the week to upload. Deadsniperz and I have already planned the next chapters so I shall try. Also I am thinking of having the main parts of the book in Iahza's POV. If you have any suggestions then please do tell me in the comments and leave a like if you are enjoying. Have a good rest of your day :P

Iahza's POV

Really, I mentally scream at Lithal. For what seemed like eternity no one moved. Everything was still. Of all the moves you could have made, you chose that one. What a jerk! I think. Lithal's ragged breathing is the only thing I could hear. Azhai just stares then takes action. He and Rok puts platinum hand cuffs on Lilith and Kora, which is the only weakness known to their powers. As they do that, I start to loss my balance.

"Lithal," I whisper. "One foot, remember." He seems to understand and moves forward so I can lean on him. Wow, what a wonderful world. Stuck between a jerk and death. Oh the joy. I toke a deep breath an held it. That's what I did when I was afraid. I didn't really get scared easily but this is life or death. Usually I would think that Lithal is so much like Lilith that he wouldn't think about it but he's not. After Lilith and Kora are hand cuffed, Lithal makes the sword disappear. I let out the breath. They handcuff me and then start making plans.

The boys decide to create base camp right where we are. Rok moves the walls back so there is more space. Three prison cells are created on one wall and 5 twin beds spread against the opposite wall. Well they aren't really beds. Just rectangular rocks. The boys had had supplies hidden in the walls when we were walking. So there was light by candles.

Lilith and Kora were lead to the prison cells and I was carried by Lithal. There was a solid wall in-between Kora, Lilith and I so we couldn't talk or see each other. The cells were small about 4 by 4 feet. After about an hour, Lithal came into my cell.

"How did you know the bonds were broken?" He asked very seriously. I think about it. I didn't really want to tell him I broke them.

"I didn't," I say, not thinking. He looked surprised. He studied my face probably trying to see if I was lying. I tried to look convincing. He didn't buy it.

"Are they even broken?" He asked. "No one even got hit in that fight." I stand up and lean against the wall.

"Well, lets see," I say and slap him across the face. Hard. "Lilith, did you feel that?" I ask while Lithal realizes what happened.

"Nope but if you just slapped him, I give you full permission to do it again," I hear from beyond the wall. Kora and Lilith burst out laughing but I feel Lithal's cold blue eyes staring at me as if daring me to laugh.

"So you guessed," he says through gritted teeth. I give a small nod. Suddenly Lithal loses it. He pins me against the wall by my shoulders, his face inches from mine. "So I could have killed my best friend, no my little brother because you guessed!" He practically yells, outraged.

"Calm down, Lithal," Azhai says standing at the door of my cell. Lithal turns his head and looks at Azhai. I push Lithal away from me.

"No, I know because I broke them myself," I say. He turns around and opens his mouth, but before he could speak. The ground starts to shake. I hear Kora and Lilith scream but it quickly fades away. Then all is quiet. Azhai leaves but quickly comes back.

"They're gone," he says. They turn to look towards me. The ground starts to shake again. Suddenly a green vine comes out of the rock and wraps around me. It pulls me into the ground. The last thing I see is Yiv come in and saying, "I got my powers" and the horror on Lithals face.

Ha, Lithal deserved to get slapped XD

Now it is your time to decide. Write in the comments where you want Iahza, Lilith, Ivy, Lora and Kora to live. This story is not written about the future (Evil science labs may already have found a way to the bottom of the ocean. The world may never know.) It is written as if in 2017 so chose any city or town that exists as of right now. Write it in the comments and the one with the most responses as of Febuary 10th, 2017 will be the one they live in for the majority(if not all) of the book. Chose wisely and please comment. This is suppose to be a interactive book so please interact with comments. So share your opinion and leave a like if you enjoyed and have a nice dayyyyyy :D bye for now

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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