Chapter 1

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This is awkward. Dead sniper is staring at the screen right now. Oh dear. Get ready for a long chapter!
12 years after prologue
Peeking through the cell bars, I made eye contact with the other girls. One by one they came to the bars. 1...2...3..And finally the forth girl. Finally! I could see the worry in their eyes. I gave a convincing smile. They nodded. No guards on this hall. I turn around and give Lilith the "stare". She gives a "I'm gonna kill you later for that" smile and jumps of the top bunk. She walks to the cell bars and closes her eyes. She lifts her hands and waits. It seems like nothing is happening but then water came seeping through the celling and began to rot away the bars. Slowly all the other cells had been freed.
"Come on," I whisper yell to all of them. They all hurried to Lilith and my cell. Kora(her power is earth) came first. She moved the earth away in a graceful sweep of her hand and made a tunnel going up. We all hurried in. The alarm sounded, ringing in my ears. Guards came flooding in. Tens. . . Hundreds. I stood there watching them come. Frozen with fear I stood at the end of the tunnel. What if . . , I thought.
"Iahza!" Some one yelled. Snapping me back from the darkest place in my mind, I stepped back, tripping over the rough ground. The tunnel closed shut, trapping me inside. Mind racing, I turn around and everyone was staring at me.
"What!?" I say daring them to question me. "Kora! Get us to the oceans bottom." I demand. She starts the upward trek while the others and I watch. We follow the tunnel, closing the tunnel behind us all the way. I take all we have in consideration, making a list. We all have ragged clothes and only two have powers. Better then nothing! I take the back of pack. Everyone to afraid of my sometimes bad temper. I keep walking on, captured in my thoughts.
"We're almost there," Lilith warns us. Kinda her thing, since water is her element. Kora turns around on heel, staring at the wall behind me. A few seconds, that feels like forever, pass.
"Someone's coming," she says through gritted teeth.
"That's impossible," I say. "We are the only ones who WERE tested on, back there."
"Iahza, I KNOW there is someone coming from that direction," she insists.
A rumbling sound comes from the wall behind me. I turn around and stare at the wall. It grows louder and louder, then stops. Silence. Nothing. I slowly walk up to the wall and put my ear to it. The cold rock made my head feel stiff. Still nothing.
Suddenly, a hand came out of the wall and grabbed my arm. I screamed as the arm pulled me into the earth. Lilith grabs my hand.
"Hold on, just hold on Iahza," she says. Trying to free me from the arm, tears flow out of her eyes. The others join in. Something else grips my wrist from inside the earth.
"Go on without me!" She practically yell at them.
"No!" Lilith said. "I'm gonna keep that promise."
I take a deep breath. "Your gonna have to keep it another time." I let go of their hands. Almost immediately, I go into the earth but not after I get a glimpse of her face. Even though 3 years older, she had practically been my mother. The last face I saw was that of complete shock.

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