Chapter 5

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Ivy's point of view

As soon as Lilith was awake, she called us together. There were only four of us. Lora, Kora, Lilith and I. Lilith was pacing back and forth, when we got to the dirt hut that Kora made. It was a hemisphere with four beds against the wall. Lilith stopped pacing when she saw us. She motioned us to sit down in the middle. 
      "As you saw, we are one less. That one less was the person, we thought would lead us but we are at four. We never saw who took her but I know who," she stops. I raise an eyebrow. She takes a deep breath. "We have copies," she says at last.

Iahza's point of view

After the whole ankle injury, the boys were actually pretty cool. Rok took the lead and extending the cave to keep going. Lithal behind him and Azhai followed, limping. The others followed behind.  Except for an occasional taunt from  Rok, everything was fine. Until my leg was starting to hurt. I hadn't walked since I broke my ankle. Lithal had took the role of carrying me. While Azhai and Lithal were agruing about something, I was growing impatient.
   "When is this tunnel going to end," I say complaining.
    "We are below the sea. Approximately 40 miles from shore," Rok stated. "Why do you care? You aren't walking it."
   I lean my head back and sigh.
"Just kill me now," I say jokingly.
  "That can be arranged," Lithal says with a smile. I punch him on the shoulder.
"You better be joking," I say. He looks down at me and opens his mouth but doesn't say anything. I give him a worried stare. He finally sighs.
"Yes I am joking," he says looking away.
  "You better be because I would totally win," I say confidently. Lithal smiles and the others laugh.
"Says the one with the broken ankle," Lithal states.
   "It may be broken but the bonds that hold you and Ivy, Kora, Lora, and Lilith aren't," I point out. "So technically their emotions are going to get in the way of that and Azhai can't hurt me unless he has a magic potion up his sleeve or something to separate us." I say looking over Lithal's shoulder and raised a brow. He shakes his hand. "Exactly!"
   Rok looks over his shoulder. "If the bonds were broken, you would have been dead a long time ago."
    "No, she wouldn't," came a distant voice. Suddenly one side the tunnel collapsed revealing Lilith and Kora. Kora, with a wave of her hand trapped Yiv, Jason and Azhai. For, what felt like eternity, they stood there, not daring to move.

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