Becoming Friends with a Jackass

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© 2013 Crystal Marie

Chapter 2

Mr. Chain became a great friend throughout the school year. While I was prepared to teach I was unprepared for how emotional some situations can be with some of my students. I wish I could adopt all of the ones' who have a lousy home life. Mr. Chain who I learned is actually Derek Chain was a great person to seek advice from. A month into school Mr. Brand had a heart attack and had to enter an early retirement due to the stress of teaching students math. We only had a sub for a week when Mr. Sexy came to town his name is Tom Johnson and he's almost as good looking as Derek. He's around 5'11 and has blonde hair with green eyes and gorgeous dimples. When I met him I could tell he found me attractive because he had a smirk on his face and looked me up from head to toe. When we were at our weekly staff meeting, he was sitting next to me and we were talking and flirting.

When Mr. Chain came and sat down right next to me, and told me that we had to sit down with staff members that taught the same subject so that we could discuss how the year was going. Since he was the head of the Language Arts department, we had to move from the table so that we could all fit and talk all six of us. I found it odd that he wouldn't leave until I got up then he gave Mr. Johnson a weird look, which looked like jealously but I know I was just seeing things. So before I left I told Tom I would see him around and that I would gladly go to get a cup of coffee with him when the meeting was over. Derek didn't seem too happy because his face was beet red when we had the meeting. He seemed to be repeating himself over and over again while everyone else was done, we were the only ones who were still there.

He seemed to not want to go home which was fine with me because I got to spend more time with him. Mrs. Lenny seemed to be fed up with being the last in the meeting and told him that she felt we were done and were ready to head home. Derek didn't seem to want to end the meeting but saw he had no choice. When I began walking towards the exit I saw Tom waiting by the door with a smile which fell when I noticed a shadow behind me when I turned around I saw Derek was hot on my heels. When I looked at him he asked me if we could have a moment to talk and I was just about to answer when Tom responded that we were heading out to the coffee shop and if it could wait until tomorrow. Derek didn't seem to like that and gave me a mean look so I told him he could come with us if it was so important.

He seemed to like that while Tom seemed non to happy about my inviting Derek. So we each took our own car and headed to Firefly café I got myself a hot chocolate since that's my favorite drink and it was starting to get chilly in October which meant we would have a rough winter.  So while we are at the café enjoying my hot cocoa, Derek turns to look at me while drinking his coffee black and I ask him how he can drink it like that without any flavor and he turns his smirk towards me and tells me that he likes it best that way since he likes things the way they are au natural. While Tom ordered some tough drink that I couldn't seem to repeat, he seemed very picky about what he wanted when the girl made it wrong he throw a tantrum and refused to drink it until they fixed his order. He seemed to want to make a bigger deal out of things until Derek went out to the counter to pick up his  another coffee and gave Tom a look letting him know he was looking like an idiot when he turned to look at me and saw that I was frowning at his behavior. I knew what it was like to get customers who were jerks since I used to work as a waitress while going to school.

When Tom came to the table he sat down and apologized and said he just likes his drinks a certain way. I told him he didn't have to apologize to me since he hadn't embarrassed me but the girl at the register instead. He reluctantly got up and went to apologize to her; she seemed to smile at him and tell him it was okay. While Tom was gone I turned to Derek and asked him what he needed to talk about I seemed to have caught him off guard since he seemed to look at me for a few minutes without saying anything. Instead of answering my question he asked me if I liked Tom blowing my question to the curb. I just sat there looking at him wondering when our work relationship turned so personal. So I answered honesty and told him that I wasn't sure but that Tom seemed like a decent guy which I enjoyed being around.

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