Chapter XLIX: Propecy Sinks Into Tales

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The look of confusion soon was switched to betrayal. Percy stared at Artemis while she was totally out of the Earth. He tried to rise, trying to fighting back from the chain wrapping around him and the shackle around his neck. But an Olympian, whose  appearance looked so much alike with Paecus except his red armour and warlike looking restrained Percy and held his blade at Percy's neck.

"Be a good dog" he warned. "Or I shall cloak your skin on my  shoulder."

Zeus walked up to Artemis, whom face was as pale as a sheet and held her shoulder. He turned back to the Olympians and announced.

"This credit will be given to Artemis! Without her, we wouldn't have tracked down this werewolf!"

"No father I..." Artemis tried to decline, to protest as her face was beyond terrifying.

"Accept it daughter" Zeus waved his hand. "This victory is yours. I have never doubted your hunting skills. You just made me proud today"


And he started laughing. That his laugh shook the ground with tremendous sound and echoed through the buildings.

Percy that moment didn't say anything more, since he was trying to comprehend it. But slowly, a realisation hit him from Zeus announcement. He couldn't believe it, not that he had a choice. But it was clear to him that Artemis somehow involved in his capture. She didn't dare looking directly at him, which angered Percy even more because right now all he needed was her correction, her  justification. Even if she didn't speak, her look would have told him she was innocent. But she didn't look back at him, nor pity her glance down on him and it hurt him so much that even Wolfsbane scrubbing on his opening wounds would be considered painless.

There Aphrodite and Paecus appeared full of surprises as they observed the situation. Paecus intended to run in and help, but his mother held him back since it was not the time to do anything impulsive. One wrong move would reveal anyone that involved, including Hades and Hestia. The goddess of love secretly at the time casted an enchantment over the building of the hunters. Their interference would be the most of her concerns.

"You caused us a lot of troubles wolf" Zeus sneered as he leaned closer to him.

Percy growled. After all years he had been waiting and now the enemy that destroyed his father clan and the legendary of his race was in front of him and Percy could not do anything to take his vengeance. Percy blood boiled as if the very  molecule in his body wanted to explode, to break free of that cursed chains and rip off his head. His eyes flared red, yet he could not transform, like the shackle somehow imprisoned his power.  Percy attempted to snap but Zeus leaned his head back and started laughing.

"Look at this!" Zeus said. "It's been a long time I've seen a werewolf and they still not change. Stubborn as always. Don't worry wolf. You won't have the spirit to growl for long"

Percy felt as if humiliated. The surrounding, the people. Some laughed, some stared with wonder and with surprises and fascination as if he was an exhibit, a species that was brought before them. The shame he endured and their laughter echoed and thundered through his mind that it broke his inside. The look of hatred filled in his eyes, the fire of wrath burned in his heart that none could restrain and at the moment he silently swore an oath that forever he regretted. One day, blood will be spilled on Olympus.

"Bring forth the execution now!" Zeus suddenly switched to seriousness. "I shall not delay any further this creature existence!"

"I think you should wait" Aphrodite saw the situation had turned critical and decided to involve.

"And why is it that you speak?" Zeus turned to her.

"We should imprison him" she said. "Maybe we can find out some valuable informations. What if you will find out a den full of werewolves?"

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