Chapter XXVIII: Tale Of Jealousy

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Rage, anger, mad, all kinds of angry emotions were boiling within Artemis. How dare that good for nothing, idiotic, moronic man left. The moment she found out is absence, and the scent of Aphrodite all over the room, it all went down. She couldn't find him, couldn't track him down because Aphrodite had blocked his scent. All she could do was to wait and that sent her to Hades. She ran straight to her tent and jumped on her bed, pounding the bed with all her strength. Concurrently, a pool of sad emotion was stirring within her. Why did pereus has to leave? She drown her sorrow on the pillow. She didn't understand why he left. She was to generous for him. She even let him to sleep on the same bed with her. Now, the only respectable and tolerable man will be corrupted by aphrodite. She was soon drowned in a salt water lake as she continued to sob over the loss of perseus. He wasn't bad at all. He did everything she instructed him to without complaining. It took her another hour before I finally tire out from all the crying.
If only she had told him something about her feeling, he wouldn't have left. If only she could be nicer to him, at least decrease the chores or let him have a bit of freedom. Now he was gone, it was to late for her to do anything. He would decide to stay with Aphrodite. He'd no reason to come back, if he wanted more chores and ranting.

That night was not the best night of her life. The room felt so cold without Percy, and the rain outside just worsen the situation.

Artemis was still angry at him, for his impulsive decision to leave and now letting her be in this situation. Lightning occasionally lit up the dark room, Artemis hugged her knees as tear suddenly flowed down her cheeks.

She was mad. She wanted him there so she could shout, could hit, could scowl at him. But most of all she missed his touch. She tried not to shiver, even though the animal fur blanket was wrapped around her. The bed, the sheet and bolster were too cold for her to sleep, in addition of the thunder outside. Artemis didn't know what to do but to wait until her eyes close.

It was about three in the morning, and suddenly she heard the flap being swept aside, thunder rumbled at the same time.

Artemis was still awake and she was aware or who had entered her tent. She was about to sit up and ranged at him, but he slid on the bed and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, pressing her back closer to him.

He was wet, all his body probably from the rain, but the mattered that had her concern was that stench of blood and dust on him.

He didn't say, just buried his face to the back off her neck. His breathing came uneven from exhaustion. At first she thrashed, and struggled and kicked to be out of his grip. She wanted to hit him, to yell at him so bad. But his arms just kept tight around her, his hand rested on her belly and his breath at her neck sent chill down her spine despite her temptation was to kick him out of the tent, but she seemed to enjoy it so much.

After awhile of trashing and struggling, Artemis became tired as she gave up and decided to hug her bolster. Due to her angry was not satisfied, she couldn't sleep but sob at the bolster.

She knew he had done something, something that caused the stench of blood and monster dust. She wanted an answer, but she knew he was tired.

His grip was loosing at her waist as she knew he was deeply as sleep. Artemis risked to turned to face him.

She saw dust and blood covered his face. He was half naked, only in his boxer. His torso was had burnt and minor cuts. His face was deadly, serious and brutal even he was sleeping. Artemis dared to couch his cheek with her hand, she kept staring at his close eyes, hoping them to open.

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