XIV: Tale Of Incidents

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Today was the day, first of Perseus settlement here. Artemis set the flap of his tent aside as she stepped in. The moment she was in his area, the warm feeling caught her immediately. It was at the beginning of winter, outside was pretty cold in this period of time so there weren't many hunters wanted to go out. Normally there would be a heater in Artemis's tent, but somehow, Perseus radiated a warm atmosphere that would turn winter back to spring.

She sighed out when he was still laying as sleep on his bed. Artemis knew he had a bad habit of deep sleep. Whenever his head hit the pillow, Perseus would stay dead like that for many hours. She didn't understand why was he was in such deep commas when his animal instinct was supposed to be on guard all the time. Guess Perseus was special after all.

She furry towards him and started yelling.

"Hey, Perseus wake up! It's already nine!"

Again there wasn't any response coming out from him, considering the fact she nearly ripped her throat out from yelling.

"Wake up you sleepy head!" She gripped on his shoulder and shook him furiously. To his response, he smacked her hands off and turned on the other side, continued snoring his brain out.

Blood boiling up Artemis's veins. First he didn't obey her, now he even physically touched her and even harsh. She was insulted from his ignorance and her pride was stained, she'd never forgive that.

Artemis slapped him on his cheek, yelling and hit on his chest to wake him up. Only to receive a few words from him.

"I can't smell blue pancakes mum. Gimme five minutes"

She screamed out in range. How deep was he asleep? She knew he was tired from the event yesterday and the grief from separated from Leto. She knew on the island Leto was easy on Perseus and time was pretty open up for him, but in her camp, discipline was priority. Rules must be followed.

She climbed on the bed, hitting his chest, jumped up and down. The wooden bed creaked from the weights and the process she was trying to wake him.

Suddenly, Artemis lost her balance and fell on top of him. Her face hit on his chest, her entire body laid flat on him like they had combined to one. She looked up, her hands on his hard chest where she could feel every muscle through the fabric. His eyes were still closing, only Artemis's eyes widened as she stared at his face without responding to any nerves of hers. He was so adorable when he was asleep, she couldn't help but to brush her finger along his cheek.

Suddenly, reality flashed back to her as she leaned back, shocked from what she just did? For a moment she lost control of herself, and she had allowed the bad side of her took over. What the heck was I thinking!? She kicked herself.

Just then, Perseus work as he sat up, only to come face in face with Artemis, who was still sitting on his thighs

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Just then, Perseus work as he sat up, only to come face in face with Artemis, who was still sitting on his thighs. His eyes widened, Artemis lost her soul. Both their cheeks burnt and then, Percy gave out his highest pitch scream.

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