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A.N. Hi again....SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG!!!  I haven't had the time to update any of my stories for well over two months because of school and finals...and I was planning on updating over fall break, but found myself at the orthodontist everyday, then over winter break, which is where I am now for like a week more, but the cruise I went on didn't have internet...so...yeah.  Anyways, I have been tagged by my fellow friend @CleverClaw and I thought I've been avoiding tags for long enough, I might as well do at least one...so yeah.  Idk if I'm supposed to make up my own...interview? But I'll just use the questions that were already used...

Q: Are you short?

A: Yeah pretty short...like 5 foot 3?  Though it's mainly due to my legs because when I'm sitting, my younger sister is taller than me.

Q: Do you like drama?

A: Nope, unless it's in a book.

Q: Have you ever been depressed?

A: Not that I'm aware of...I did fall into a slight slump when I moved, but I quickly got back into the game so I doubt that counted.

Q: Was your relationship a mistake?

A: Nope.  No relationships to regret.

Q: Taken or single?

A: Not even a valid question for me.  I am single beyond repair.

Q: Dream job?

A: I am sad to tell you but I have no idea what I'm going to do in my future...at all.  I love art, but I doubt I'd be good enough to make a profit.  Same goes with singing.  I'm a pretty trashy author so I doubt this would go anywhere farther than Wattpad.

Q: Where do you want to be right now?

A: Well, I'm pretty happy where I am right now, with family. Yep, CHEESY ALERT but if not here, then traveling the world... with my family.  Or Camp Halfblood.  Or Hogwarts.  Or the Lost Cities. Those would be fine too.

Q: Weird fact about you?

A: There are too many weird things that are weird about me so picking any one of the weird candidates would be weird.

Q: Zodiac sign?

A: May 31, so gemini...WHO'S WITH ME?

Q: Coke or Pepsi?

A: I'm not allowed to drink soda but I fear if I don't say diet coke, Dionysus is going to turn me into a dolphin.

Q: Chocolate or vanilla?

A: Chocolate but I prefer them together...

Q: How much do you weigh?

A: Over 100 pounds and that's all you need to know.

Q: Do you want kids?

A: Maybe?

Q: How many?

A: ...two...?

Q: Do you think you are pretty?

A: In my most honest opinion, I'm pretty ugly.

Q: Book you are currently reading?

A: Well over the cruise, my parents made me check out Les Misérables but I didn't make it past the second page.  I liked the movie though... I'm really sorry if you are a fan of Les Mis and if I offended you...

Q: Favorite subject?

A: Art, though I don't like my teacher, or math, because I like my teacher.

Q: Favorite Superhero?

A: UMMM...IDK I LIKE SO MANY!!!  Probably someone from Marvel like...Wolverine...though I did like Quicksilver...and Captain America...and Professor X...almost anyone actually... Or maybe like someone from a cartoon show like... Star or Marinette...(is that how to spell her name?)

Q: Favorite villain?

A: Does Luke Castellan count?

Q: Describe your life with a song.

A: I don't know any...but if you know a song about someone obsessed with books and fictitious characters and has plenty of moodswings, let me know.

Q: Favorite color?

A: Purple!  It used to be lavender, but eh... it's too delicate for me.

Q: Your idols?

A: My parents!  Yes I am one of those kids who are really close to their parents.  Don't judge me.  A bunch of fictitious characters, Chiron, Annabeth Chase, Dumbledore, Hermione Granger...idk a bunch.




TheOrangeGryffindor who I just realized was orange now...



And of course anyone else who wants to do this tag...now am I supposed to make my own questions now or...idk ok here we go.

1. A list of your fictitious crushes...no judging I have a list...

2. What is your favorite hobby?

3. What is your biggest fear?

4. What is your favorite song right now?

5. What is your all time favorite book/series?

6. Who is your favorite Youtuber?

7. What is your worst habit?

8. What is the brand of shoes you wear the most often?

9. What is your biggest weakness?

10. What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food?

Your welcome for only putting 10 questions... I had to answer 23 of them.  ANYWAYS... NaturallyUnfunny, I'm gonna do your tag next, but idk when I'm going to actually publish it... okay bye for now...wait, I can't just say bye for now then say bye... oh well...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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