Prompt #4

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AN: Hello my little...what should I call you guys!  Comment your thoughts on what I should call you guys!  Another little chappie (chapter, if you didn't know what a chappie is...) emphasis on LITTLE.  That's weird, I made little big...get it?  No?  Ok.  This chapter is kind of dark and spooky, well, not really.  Anyways, hope you read this in case you are easily scared and get nightmares often...if not, I'm sorry, but I did warn you!  I hope you guys enjoy!!!

There it was, finally.  Our island.  Our very own island.  It looked beautiful above the waves of fog, but there was still one question to be answered: why had they sold it to us for only five dollars?

The answer came soon enough.  The clouds shifted and covered the sun.  Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. Or clapped, whatever floats your boat HAHAHahaha nevermind.  I had heard of storms in the sea, but never earn of it coming so quickly.  Then I saw it.  The fog twisted and turned into figures, and one came at me with outstretched arms.  The scary part was that it seemed welcoming and I yearned to embrace the fog.  But one touch and I collapsed, unresponsive.  Question: would unconscious work better?  That's what I originally had in my journal, but she's If you know, please tell me, I would REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it. But wait!  The story is not over yet!

*  *  *

Her eyes were white, like mist swirling over the ocean.  She let out one piercing scream and fell silent.  Then, she stood up, possessed, and attacked everybody, everybody but the dog.  Like guys, is it just me, because in movies, I'm usually fine with deaths unless they are my favorite character or it comes to an animal like a dog... The only survivor who saw the fog curl from her mouth, as she tumbled into the waves.

THE END!!! Did ya like it?!  Probly not...I don't even know why I'm writing this story...oh wait, I do!  Because my annoying SISTER KEPT BUGGING ME!!!  But I guess if you like my writing, (doubtful) then you have KianajLau to thank!  So go and thank her...or spam her, whichever one is fine honestly.  And BYE FOR NOW!!!


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