Prompt #2

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AN:  This is my continuation of the second prompt from Chapter 2.  I hope you liked it, and this is definitely not as long as the last chapter, however this won't be edited either, and was also written awhile ago.  But I hope that it still makes sense and that you enjoyed it!  Oh and also, this is a little creepy, so if you have a thing against the haunted porcelain dolls, I suggest you skip this story, but you wouldn't know this if you didn't read this author's note!!!

Two weeks later, it happened again... not the best beginning, but the right one.  After the first sighting, I decided to forget about it and move on.  Then, I saw it again.  I was seriously thinking about going to a mental institute, but decided it would be safer if I didn't, after all, it seemed I was the only one who noticed.  But after the second time, it started happening frequently...much too frequently.  The special porcelain doll that everyone in town treasured.  It was a special gift with great importance.  But I think otherwise and I think they are mistaken.  I can see straight through the porcelain doll's glassy eyes, right into the gaping black hole inside of her.

*  *  *

She is alive...she knows that I know this, and I am the only person who can bring down this doll...

Hello guys!  Definitely shorter than the last, although this story is really...weird.  So, yeah, comment your thoughts and feedback, and if you think that I should continue this story, I would love to hear it.  Love you guys!


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