Prompt #5

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A.N. Okay guys I am SO SO SOOOOO sorry for not updating for the past month (besides those dumb tags which I am SOOOO DONE WITH!) Please don't throw books at me! *cowers in fear*  You might know that I have recently the one and only...(drumroll please)...SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, enough talking.  Here is the chapter and may I just say...I hate this chapter...yep.  It's basically a bunch of people, who are evacuating their homes with Mary Poppins...I guess.  Never watched it...

I guess he got the umbrella with the slippery handle.

I don't know what I was thinking!  In the rush of the moment, I let go of ,y umbrella, diving through the air to join my brother.  He held me close as we smacked into the sea.  I didn't know which way was up and I saw dark shapes looming through the water pulling at me with its snaky arms.  I started violently thrashing and my knee connected with something with a sickening crunch.  I heard a yell through the muffled water, and through its murky depths, saw light.  Am I dying? Lol, idek if that's the right word...I'm such a great author *rolling eyes* I swam up and broke the surface retching.  I swallowed too much seawater.  Then I saw my brother come out of the water, his arm bent at an awkward angle...oops.  I swam over and gave him a hug.  After a second, he promptly pulled away and smacked the back of my head...


I disliked it and comment if you disliked it as much as I did...cuz I hated yeah...that was my update and currently I don't have any internet, so expect an update soon!


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