If I only had a dart...|Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

"I understand, but please try to pay attention," she smiled.

"Will do,"

"Oh, em gee, I can feel her crying inside," Adrian pouted.

"You can feel her insides?" I questioned, horror written all over my face.

"Maybe you're right. I shouldn't be a writer," he sighed in disappointment.

"It's okay. There are plenty of jobs in the sea," I reassured him.

"Are you threatening to kill me?" Adrian gasped.

"I might be," I said jokingly.

"We'll see," he said and dragged his finger across his throat.

♫ ♫ ♫  

"I'm so hungry," Adrian complained.

"There's food right in front of you." Being in the cafeteria and what not.

"My hand is so weak from the lack of food. Feed me, woman," he demanded. Chantel just shook her head at him.

"I will drown you in your water bottle," I threatened my unicorn.

You're so evil," he fake cried.

"She is," Bill agreed as he stuffed a sandwich in his mouth.

"I hope that gets stuck in your lip ring," I said with a smile.

"Oh, hey, Billy," Courtney greeted wrapped her arms around his neck and then sat down next to him.

"Hey, how you been?" Bill smiled at her. My eye twitched at the sight.

What the fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck?

"So, baby, do you want to hang out after school?" she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Bitch, you ain't fooling anybody with those fake ass 10 meter long lashes.

I swear Bill glanced at me before replying, "Of course. What do you have in mind?"

If I only had a dart to throw into her eye. If only.

"Well, maybe we can go out to dinner and then maybe you can come back to my place," she traced her finger along his arm, "My parents aren't home," she added.

Somebody, please hold my hair cause I'm about to throw up.

"What the hell?" Adrian asked quietly.

"I have no fucking clue," I said as my eye continued to twitch.

I curled my upper lip to keep myself from speaking. My mind whirling with thoughts that only made me assume the worst. The feeling of jealousy was slowly growing into my skin, filling my blood. Making my eyes go dark, and my mouth became a straight line. And I hated this feeling.

I shouldn't be jealous. So why am I? I never really responded to his pathetic yet cheesy pickup lines. He was just playing, right? Right?

My grip around my water bottle tightened and it made noise which brought everyone's attention.

"Oops, I underestimated my strength," I laughed it off. Adrian sent me a confused look.

What the frick frack is wrong with me? Pull yourself together right this instant, Roselle.

"You seem a little pale," Courtney smirked.

"Yeah, your presence simply gave me an allergic reaction," I smiled and continued eating my food.

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