"W-w..." I was mute. Then I was freaking mute.

"Understood Mr. Mik-" Uriel never minded my lame retort. It was as if she believes him. It was as if I wasn't there with eyes that seems like puking and an 'o'. Yeah i could even catch a fly in there... I should've went to the doctor for my stuttering issues when shocked, surprised, flabbergasted... And yeah in awe. Which is pretty much all the same.

He stopped the girl with his dismissing words, "Just do as said Agren"

That was all that was left and the green eyed monster dragged me to the elevators. With my heels' 3 inch difference, it was difficult to walk, good thing my company keeps me on my foot.

"Her name is Uriel" I blabbered when the elevator doors closed.

"Uriel Agren, She's of Italian descent. Was brought in Just two weeks ago by the company to Wilfred Donasco, CEO of Donasco Land Corporation" he informed me.

"What company?"

"Something owned by a group of people with workers called as employees and a pla-"

"Oh I work for a company too. Don't get me wrong" I cleared my throat.

"Yeah I know" he hummed.

"Same as Cisco? The one who the company hates now? He works with you?" I remembered the other guy.

Mick looked at me and shook his head, "Just drunk"

Okay, I call him Mick because Uriel called him Mr. Mick and I'm clearly not drunk anymore.

With the drive here and the most green forest I've ever seen... Drunk is the least adjective for me.

"I'm not."

"You are" he insisted and the doors dinged open.

The walk on the Penthouse was slow but that's better as my feet aren't of the same length right now. Mick moved a meter before me as I followed. His back was broadly built and his height was a head above mine. Maybe he is around 5'9 not too tall but from my 5'3 stance, it's a compatible height difference.

I have to talk to him. Like he saved ny ass a couple minutes back and my tipsy self trusted him to accompany me in a hotel. Like I guess I'm whoring myself out. Which is the least 'prude Sigrid' would do.

"Who are you? You haven't told me" I cut the silence.

"Not an important information Miss" he breathe and stopped opposite a huge white door - I'm guessing it's the room for us.

"It is seriously significant Mister. I'll be sharing a room with you and at least I should have to know your name. Make one now, it'll do" I reasoned.

"Make one for me, it'll do" he turned the lock open and pushed the door aside for me to enter.

I already did, Mick..

"Your name" I pointedly eyed him, stopping beside him. So hard I tried not to giggle with the name I have on my head.

Oh wait... Am I really drunk?

Pfft... I'm not. I look into his intense orbs and got trapped.

Damien would do.

Or like Rolan.

Something dangerous would be better.

He deadpanned and ignored my trance, nudging me back to present. With a frustrated sigh, I went in the room and kicked my heels off to the side.

Since I'm "drunk" and all that, I directly strolled to the main bedroom and jumped in the bed, not minding my fully clothed body.

If I could just drop down sleep naked tonight I would. Like a night that I do the things I would never do in a usual basis. Bad thing Mick guy is here.

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