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Ponyboy's POV
"Soda, can you pass me the ketchup please." he tosses it over to me and I put some on my burger. Tonight is a big night. Once again, the greasers and the socs are having a rumble. Of course Bob heard what happened with me and Gloria spying on James and Riona. Just our relationship, and Dally's and Isobel's too made this happen tonight. All the shit that's been happening built up to an explosion called a rumble. I find it ridiculous that we're fighting over two relationships, but it was the socs that planned this. Their sensitivity level is way up there. Us greasers like to call that level pussy level since they all are.

"Has Isobel or Riona said anything about tonight, Pony?"

"Riona called me saying that we shouldn't do it because violence isn't always the answer, apparently and Isobel took the phone from her and said for us to kick their asses to hell." The gang chuckles and starts eating. The rumble isn't going on for another two hours so we're all going to have our dinner now. We're not gonna bother washing up because we get dirty as hell from rumbles so we leave it for when we get home.

I finish my burger and wash the ketchup off my plate in the sink. The thought of Riona and James being together popped in my head because of the dinner they had. If she went with him to be friends with in the beginning of her days of being in Tulsa I would never have been friends with her. Worst of all is that I would've never been her man. The guy she looks at with love in her eyes. I would be missing the girl I hold everyday and plant a sweet kiss on her lips. I wouldn't have my darling.

"Aye, Pony, you okay? The tips of your ears are red and your knuckles are white." I didn't notice I was holding onto the sink really hard. My ears always get like that when my temper goes up.

"Yeah, Two-bit. I'll be fine." There was a knock at the door and Darry went to go get it. It was Gloria and behind her was Riona and Isobel. I walked out fast and grabbed Riona into a hug while stroking her hair. God, I love her.

"Please don't fight. They're just being immature about it because you won't listen to them. They're not getting their way."

"I said I would fight for you no matter what and thats exactly what I'm doing." I grab her hand, held it, and kissed it. She gives me a sad smile and kissed me. We go in the kitchen and there's Isobel with her legs and arms wrapped around Dally. Cute, but she looks like a koala on him.

"In all honesty I'm not surprised that she is like this. No normal hug because for them this is normalcy." Isobel snaps her back to look at Riona.

"Don't give me that look. You know it's true." I chuckle and grab a Coke from the refrigerator.

"Tonight, boys, we are gonna go out there and we're gonna fight till they give up." Darry announces with pride in his voice. The gang howls and raise their drinks like they're making a toast. I raise mine too, but it doesn't feel right. I fight in defense and seeing Riona's face with pure sadness and's like i don't want to upset her. She is right that we shouldn't be doing this, but I'm only doing this for her.

"We all gotta make our hair extra greasy since it is a rumble night." Sodapop says while having his arm around Gloria. She looks at him with great proudness and joy. So does Isobel when she looks at Dallas.

Darry gets his black shirt and takes off the one he was wearing. All the girls try not to stare, but it's noticeable that they're dying to look at his body. Darry does have the perfect body that all of us wish we had. God knows I'm never gonna get there. Sodapop, definitely. He already got a six pack and me...I really got nothing nor in my future.

"Shall I do the honors in greasing your hair even more?" I grab Riona's hand and bring her to the bathroom. She pulls out the grease and puts some on her hands.

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