The New Girl

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Ponyboy's POV
It's been two days since Cherry has told me about her cousin coming. And it's also Sunday. I'm home while my brothers are at work and Two-Bit is with me. Not surprisingly, he's in front of my home television eating chocolate cake. It's the most typical thing in this household that I live in.

"Still excited about that girl coming?" Could he tell? I haven't sat down still this whole morning.

"Yes, very much." To distract myself I grabbed my notebook and started drawing random stuff. A coke bottle, a horse, Dally, Cherry, cigarettes. Anything really. Just whatever to get my mind off of Riona. Shit, now I'm thinking about her. Damn, I haven't even met her and I'm acting like like I have been liking her forever as if we were best friends.

"Uh...Ponyboy." Two-bit says behind me with a bit of a chuckle. I look back at him and he points down to my drawing.

"Oh...huh." I drew the outline of Riona's head with her hair.

"Actually, that's doesn't look to bad, kid."

"Thank, Two." There was a beep outside and I went to go check. A red Sting-Ray in my drive way with a red head in the drivers' seat. Cherry. I open the window and stuck my head out.

"What are you doing here?" She looks over to me and smiles and motions her hand for me to come over. I hop out the window with ease and go to her.

"I'm here to show you a blondie who is patiently waiting for you at her new home." My smile was wide with teeth showing and I run back in the house.

"Two-bit, I really have to go. Riona is finally here and Cherry is out there waiting for me." I was talking so fast I couldn't even comprehend what I was saying myself. He looked at me wide eyed and just nodded his head.

"Jeez, all you could've said was 'bye Two-Bit.' Now shoo." I ran out the front door and into the passenger side of Cherry's car. We were talking on the way there about how Riona is excited to make her first friend here.

"I wouldn't shut up about you and she thinks you're already interesting. Nothing could wipe the smile off her face at the mention of you." I blushed. Hard. It's happy to here that someone is as excited as you are when meeting.

"Did you mention I was a greaser."

"Yup. And she did not give a crap. See, I told you you would be fine!" We park the car in front of a nice house.

"Sure is a big house." A house like this belongs only to socs.

"Yeah. All of them are inside. Also there is someone else here too. It was a surprise, but it's Riona's best friend, Isobel. Found out that isobel's parents were having a rough time affording her and there house so my aunt and uncle were nice enough to take her while they get the money the need."

"Sounds to me like they're good people." I never heard of people who would do that for a daughter's friend. Maybe Isobel was like another daughter to them so they made her there daughter. Cherry walks in with me trailing behind. I bet once they see me they can tell I'm a nervous wreck. My appearance is fine. I have my purple muscle tank on with a pair of jeans and my hair nicely greased back. Plus I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I came prepared.

"Hi Cherry. Who's this?" The father of Riona sized me up and down and rolled his eyes. Well he's definitely not liking me anytime soon.

1965//Ponyboy CurtisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant